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Don’t get stuck in a scrud
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Rud me until I scream “Yi YU”!
Its the hand that does it
Lightly Soap … Same Scrud, Less Filling.
Don’t be too rud or else it won’t be comfortable anymore…
Don’t take these instructions lighly, or else my partner Soap will scrud you and no amount of rudding will make you feel comfortable anymore.
I already have a bath feeling about this.
To stop the water getting too dirty, I like to remove most of the scrud before I get into the bath.
Towel accelerates blood circulation => comfortably and refreshingly heart attack
If that feeling bath feels me one more time, it’s gonna get a swift kick in the plughole!
– Don’t be so scrud, Rud. I’m just Lightly Soap, Towel is my best partner, and if you don’t like it, go and have a feeling bath elsewhere!
Beware of scrud missle attack.
– Captain Yi YU, the ship’s rud has jammed.
– Well then sailor, I invite you to scrud.
I think it depends on what you do with the towel that would cause “blood acceleration.” (wink, wink)
No need to scrud – just do it.
Rud is not enough to make me comfortable, I still need to scrud
Wow! I guess scrud is really a cool, new word for jerki (rest of post censored by authorites).
This Scrud’s for you.
From ‘The Dark Towel’ series
The partner of Soap is called Bubbles. They’ve been going together for years.
Rud a dud dud, for use in the tud.
I don’t meant to be rud, but a nylon towel? not too plactical!
“Don’t forget to bring a towel.”
Just scrud on the run, Hud / There must be 50 ways to leave your lover.
(Not washing at all is another one.)
Just scrud on the rud, Hud / There must be 50 ways to leave your lover.
(Not washing at all is another one.)
I use Lighly Soap on my lighs
No need to scrud, just lightly rud to produce a dig dulge and enjoy . . .
They must be Kiwis.
After a really hot bath you come out rud.
Is that a Crow, perched on her head?
But darling most of all, I love how you rud me.
When soap is your partner, dropping your partner suddenly is alot worse than usual.
Always remember son, before that hot date, be prepared.
Shower and scrud with YI YU and make sure to bring a rudder with you.
I love a good duddle dath!
Rudby players get stuck in scruds.
A feeling bath. Jeez, these new agey therapy sessions just get weirder and weirder.
Because you’re uncomfortable and stultifying right now.