Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Whisper sweet nothings
If you ever noise you’ll be silenced.
… sorry for noising around
Please make a civilised quieting.
Read my lip and I will tell you sweet F… all.
“No, I sing” is apparently no excuse here…
I told you not to noise but you not listen so I will whipping!
Much noising about nothing.
Speak softly and carry an ‘extra horny’ lip style, pure slick stick….
China’s War On Hullaballo continues.
Begging your most gracious pardon, sir, but would you mind if I scream?
All we are say- ay- ing . . . Is give noising a cha – a – ance.
Is noisy butter permitted?
If you don’t stop noising we’ll stop politing.
In space, no-one can hear you noising.
No, you can’t eat i-scream here either!
Some of my best freiends are white noising.
May I cherishing quietly?
Learn polite sign language
Rude Language can be stopped by Quieting
All languages are polite. It’s the people who aren’t.
Also, the Greeks are revolting.
@Gwydion. When I hold up my two fingers ,my sign language is not all that polite either.
I told my ex-wife to stop putting these signs up all over the world.
Louders! Quit Peacing!
Laowai can’t jump but they sure do noise a lot.
Next Sign: Polite Action – No Pulling Fingers
Noising = Creating noise while singing.
What about Chingling?
Polities Classes held here, every odd Thursday.
We have the right to silencing you.
Please, can I be louding if it’s an emergencying?
♫ Silencing is golden
But my eyes still seeing
Silencing is golden, golden
But my eyes still seeing ♫
♫ Strumming my pain with his fingering
Singing my life with his wording
Killing me softly with his noising
Killing me softly with his songing
Telling my whole life with his wording
Killing me softly with his songing ♫
We all know Chinese are the most polite and quiet people on earth…
Green instead of red indicates what is forbidden, I get it now.