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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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posted on 17 Sep 2012 in Chinglish
If you’re sight-seeing, you’re not walking hard enough…
Photo courtesy of Allyson Abraham.
Found in Yellow Mountain, China.
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Just be careful of the cute one on the left. It has a way with food.
And I had a romantic evening planned starting with a cozy dinner for two wirh Cheetah.
You’ll have time to enjoy when you hotel
Enjoyment will be prosecuted
And don’t bring the monkey’s home.
Flirting with monkeys while enjoying the view? It’s the gulag for you…
… alright, while walking, I’ll try my best to despise the views
The monkey charged me $10 for flirting and feeding him. What a ripoff.
Only us locals are allowed to flirt with the monkeys
Tourist: “I notice the e in Enjoy is capitalised… Does this mean I can
enjoy the views a little bit?”
The Chinese Fun Police: “Touche’ tourist, touche”
Tourist: “Also you can’t stop me from Enjoying the views while
standing still!”
We don’t want the our monkeys getting ‘addicted’ to
foreign bananas now…
D’oh, I accidentally added the word ‘the’.. ‘the our’… oops, I just maeded my own engrish…
*I guess my subconscious noticed a lack of the word ‘the’
A smoking monkey with sign that says “Will Flirt For Food” is a sure sign it’s going to rain.
Can I be Offended While running?
While E. Coyote?
Sign written by Anthropophobic monkeys.
I’ll go there on a fine day so other people can mind my steps while I run and enjoy the views.
I only spank monkey…
Move along, move along, nothing to see here!
Hey, when I’m feeding, those monkeys can go flirt themselves!
Notice to Monkeys
1. Please enjoy the view While jumping.
2. Smoking is prohibited by the way, we know monkeys don’t smoke.
3. Don’t feed tourists, they’re already too fat!
4. Enjoy the thunderstorm, it is refreshing.
5. See 5th ‘Notice to Tourists’.
6. Please do not notice.
Hey there monkey, can I buy you a drink? Bananna daquery maybe?
@J-Luke: If you spank monkey, you’re hand-feeding it. No tourism for you!
But that monkey is hitting on me! It’s not fair!
So tell me Monkey, do you come here often?
You can smoke all you want once you arrive.
Ok boys, we made it to the viewpoint…lets light um up!!!!!
If someone’s flirting with the monkeys I’d rather watch that than the view.
The monkeys will accept a few drinks before flirting though!
Please do not Be Angry when someone presumes you to be a Monkeysexual . . .
Monkey’s idea of flirting: flinging poo in your general direction.
Okay, i’ll try not to enjoy the view, but I can’t guarantee anything!
Is smorking permitted at least?
Get off me, flirty monkey! I’m trying not to Enjoy the views!
Can I flirt with the monkeys by stealing their food?
And, as always, no hullabaloo.
Do not flirt with the monkeys. They think humans are sissies for being able to stand upright. They are homus-erectus-phobic.
PS: But please enjoy suffering as much as you want!
You’re not boss of me prease.
Don’t sleep on the subway, tourists…
“Ook! Ook! Ook!” (“Is that a banana in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?”)
“The only thing separating us humans from the apes are the armed guards at the zoo. Man they got some sexy monkeys.” -Glen Quagmire
Monkey see, monkey doo.
Do the weather rules only apply during my visit or all the time?
Be cautious in thunderstrom. But if it lightnings ur ok.
Romantic Monkey Night Life. The charming dashing habit is many.
That monkey’s got a sexy mouth! I love to watch it eat! Lol
Guard, arrest that man. I saw him walking and enjoying the views.