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I got so excited that I pullated. It gave me infinite pleasure.
A new game to play with the chickens
My excuses, I am only a first grade Engrish student. That should have been “pullulated” of course.
Infinite pleasure for only $1.49. What a steal!
pullulate: to breed or produce freely
Nuff said.
More like pollution than pullulation if coming from China.
If somebody tells me to pullulate one more time, I’m going to lose my lunch!
Dude, isn’t this more like a HELICOPTER?
Pullulation. Now there’s a word you don’t see every day.
Makes one curious to see which Chinese-English dictionary they’re using …perhaps the one published by Python (Monty) Publishing?
Avoid pullulation whenever you can – if you know what it is.
So, should I pullulate the yellow ring? With my finger, or……?
@mickeygreeneyes: Good point. I don’t believe the thing on the right is really made of sky, either. 🙂
Whoopee! These set includes more than 3 ages!!
Sounds American Airlines may want to invest. They need some infinate pleasure during their bankruptcy.
But our kids have taken the No Pullulate Before Marriage pledge
Are children allowed to pullulate in China?!
$1.49 for the 3+ ages of man, or a special rate of $2.49 for all 7.
If you pullulate it and nothing happens, try pushulating instead.
The obscurity explains its nature
Infinite pleasure. Right now I’m picturing myself with 60 y.o. and still playing with this toy.
“To infinite pleasure, and beyond!!”
Pullulation = the joy of puylling
The sky is falling! The sky is falling!
Send forth your sprouts to buy this toy.
WARNING: Small parts may cause choking.
Designed for the underage, by Colonel Knowledge.
Ithink the yellow ring is a tad too small.
no one should watch their children pullulate, and personally i’d be especially concerned about those who derived infinite pleasure therefrom.
Hmm … my guess as to the origins of “pullulation” is that it may be a mangled phonetic spelling of “pure elation.”
But you know, I’m not sure I want a spinning plastic wing blade giving me any pleasure, ultimate or otherwise… 😛
I tried to assemble the contraption.. broke it… I pushuated it by mistake.
Infinite pleasure: must be a disguise for a vibrator.
I wonder why pullulation feels so good when you’re naked with
your family
I will now proceed to pullutate myself with this plane.
Yer, mickeygleeneyes is collect, ista hericopter.
🙂 Is that right, :-).
Thanks for the laughs, I love it.
I am not sure if this pullulation will stimulate and enhance coordination and judgement…
Last time infinite pleasure was on a toy package, it was 18+