Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
We Always Happy When You Is
She’s my brother
posted on 23 Jul 2012 in Clothing
Feminine hygiene: not just for women any more…
Photo courtesy of Jenny Wang.
Spotted on a man at a music festival in Kobe, Japan.
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How can you tell!
Thank God I’M speaking Engrish.
He stole T-shirt from his boyfriend
I want this to be a shirt, with male sizes.
I can’t hear you roar.
That must be a Sirgirl.
But… he’s always been such a lovely girl!
Thank God I’m female . . . right?
That color nail polish really accents your hairy knuckles.
Sir, you dropped your Midol…
“Photo courtesy of Jenny Wang.” LOLOLOL! Appropriate name!
Isn’t this shirt immortalized (on a different wearer) in “Most Popular Engrish”?
I definitely wrote a better caption for that one 😉
…even though God gave me a weird body.
While male on the outside, inside this body is a woman desperately trying to stay hidden.
“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.”
Ah, this line from Genesis makes more sense to me now.
@Biff: You’re right. Elvis wore that shirt while buying condoms.
@Biff the Understudy: I didn’t find it. What number would that be?
@Droll: currently #27, thanks jjhitt for the link.
Ugliest broad I.ve ever been with.
Girl, I know what you mean!
God DOES have a sense of humor!
Either he doesn’t believe in God or God doesn’t believe in him.
Lol, it should have TGIF written above the — Wait, TGIF means Thank GOD I’m Female?!?
Well, no wonder my prayers never get answered. All this time I’ve been praying to Goodness! Does this mean I’m going to heck now?
“Oy! Thats a bloke, not a sheila!”
Thank God I’m STILL uninterested
that’s what he said!
Female, maybe. But that dude’s no lady !
Is that what they mean by Kobe Beef?
Thank God it’s Engrish
How many times did I tell you? Hormone treatments first, THEN the surgery.
Notice from the spelling that there is a complete male in every female, but only half a female in every male. Now, would you rather be a male or a female?
A transsexual-to-be, maybe?
-I’ll take THIS shirt REAL quick!
-But sir, it’s…
-NOW, dammit! Thank God the customer is always right.
-Yes sir.
You’re welcome, sir. WAIT A MINUTE…