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Instructions for the Naughty Palace
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© 1999 - 2025 Engrish.com. All rights reserved.
Administrator of the Naughty Place.
My idea of a dream job.
Even in the naughty palace the fun police are active.
What about machetes? Forbid also?
The Stupid Disease — We can find a cure. — Give today.
Just remember that the head protrudes and don’t slip from the tube. The rest will come naturally.
It’s not only tourists; I don’t know anyone who can throw with the balls.
I’m with stupid (disease).
Hey, I can’t help being long in the tube! I was born this way.
What, no poking in the eyes with a howitzer? This place is not my idea of fun. The guy who made those rules must have stupid disease.
Knives are forbidden. Guns are allowed. In other words, strict enforcing of the rule “do not bring a knife to a gunfight”.
Anybody remember “Holliday in Cambodia” by the Dead Kennedys?
Or, how to scar your kids for life.
It is important for parents to guide children under four when playing with the gun and artillery. Their aim isn’t very good at that age. No sissy laser tag for these kids. One of the benefits of having a lot of surplus military gear.
The naughty palace? Kate and William must be having another one of their wild parties.
We are not going to Jerry Sanduski’s amusment park.
Forbid stool, urine, AND spit? Man, playgrounds aren’t nearly as much fun as they were when I was a kid.
ET – Stay Home.
Which civilization language should we use? How about ancient Sumerian?
Spit in everywhere? So much everywhere, so little time.
I needed time to stop laughing, so my comment is a bit late today. Besides, I also experienced a minor incontinence, thus I apologize.
Should I delete my shoes if there’s nobody logged in as an administrator?!
And watch those naughty bits.
I spit everywhere, but there’s still a lot of urine…
Waitaminute… these aren’t instructions, they’re rules!
Where are the instructions on being naughty?
I used the forbid to quarrel with ex wife..didn’t work!
You can’t fix stupid disease.
How would you know if you have stupid disease…?
All your shoes are belong to the administrator.
You’re not allowed have a stupid disease? I guess politicians (and possibly their kids) can’t play here!
Those with stupid disease are permitted to make sign, though
Not sure if these are the instructions for a playground or a whore house
Do not touch the Flying Saucer. Offenders will be abducted and never returned.
So many instructions for just one tourist?
Sorry, but my artillery just protruded from the surface…
Instruction nr.1: The naughty palace is only for the foot fetishists…
Well, at least they tell you to do some practical jokes. Hang on while I get my whoopee cushion and the rubber spiders. And I forbid anyone who gets pranked to quarrel with me!
Deja Vu all over again:
“I can’t go to school today, mom. I’m sick.”
“What is it?”
“Uh, I think it’s a cold.”
“Oh please, what a stupid disease! Get out of bed now!”
Obey the naughty palace’s safe navigation: use a condom.
What is stupid disease, and how does one go about catching it?
Take off your shoes, put down your knife, enter the naughty palace and protrude your head through the “ball pool.” Sounds like my kinda place to spend the weekend!
Forget Massage Parlors. The Naughty Palace will transport to places of delight, that you could never imagine.
3. Impractical jokes permitted
Make sure to stop by the gift shop where you can get your own Naughty Palace Mascot Memorabilia.
Circus Pedo Bear hats
Circus Pedo Bear T-shirts
Circus Pedo Bear Plushie now with 5 pull string quotes.
@krysto4, if you have to ask..
I’m just kidding
Sure i have seen this one before, or something very similar. What are they trying to say with ‘the naughty place’?
You can lead a kid to playground but you can’t make him play
Everything about this cracked me up!! I want to go to the naughty place!
This is my rifle, this is my gun. This is for shooting, this is for fun.
The gun and artillery are for Naughty Palace defend against the flying saucer, airplane, and tourist throwing with the balls.