If you don’t like French cuisine, then it’s Italian…
Photo courtesy of djmix. Found in China.
Well its all greek to me.
In France, you get your coq and poulet……
It must be a football thing.
– Cocorico! – Chicchirichí!
I don’t think that second word is “cook.”
Oui Oui!
Yeah, well the French don’t to highly of Italia either.
It takes a lot of Gaul to say that.
Somewhere there’s a French guy with “Italian Sausage” written on his back.
T-shirt design by Jeremy Clarkson.
Italia: the best place to find hung French guys.
and the front of the t-shirt says “happy fourth of july” with a canadian flag
. . . and his name is Dick.
Such a lot of that comes out of France.
@Chris: Ah, so that explains the original captions! I was wondering.
Is this insinuating they’re both chicken?
This cock has surely visited the wild ass
What’s the difference between the two countries. American women goes to these two countries exclusively for it.
Is no-one bothered by the complete failure to center the text?
Is this a rip-off of the Le Coq Sportif brand?
I can’t watch Hetalia anymore .___.
See what the EU hath wrought?
Well its all greek to me.
In France, you get your coq and poulet……
It must be a football thing.
– Cocorico!
– Chicchirichí!
I don’t think that second word is “cook.”
Oui Oui!
Yeah, well the French don’t to highly of Italia either.
It takes a lot of Gaul to say that.
Somewhere there’s a French guy with “Italian Sausage” written on his back.
T-shirt design by Jeremy Clarkson.
Italia: the best place to find hung French guys.
and the front of the t-shirt says “happy fourth of july” with a canadian flag
. . . and his name is Dick.
Such a lot of that comes out of France.
@Chris: Ah, so that explains the original captions! I was wondering.
Is this insinuating they’re both chicken?
This cock has surely visited the wild ass
What’s the difference between the two countries. American women goes to these two countries exclusively for it.
Is no-one bothered by the complete failure to center the text?
Is this a rip-off of the Le Coq Sportif brand?
I can’t watch Hetalia anymore .___.
See what the EU hath wrought?