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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Isn’t this the weirdest DJ playlist ever?
I have mixed feelings about this place…
Could be an advertisment for chicken run, though the total mixup with the sea friend confused me
Send many Green Grams to Praise the Chicken and the Chicken Movie. (Also remember the Sea Friend you just ate.)
“The chicken movie comes especially fresh today, Sir. And it is highly recommended to totally mix it up with a sea friend of yours!”
– Waiter, is there any other N-letter available?
Waiter, Sorry, sir, I have mixed up your order.
Customer, but, that’s what I ordered.
A mixed selection of incomprehensible Engrish thank you.
Does the N-Letter come with a vowel?
Tonight’s chicken movie is Poultrygeist – Mix of the Living Dead.
– Would you care for a mix, Sir?
– Yes – an N-rated fried chick movie will be fine, thank you.
Tomorrow’s chicken movie is Frier the Thirteenth – Part VI – Giblet Lives.
I hope someone can read Thai and allay my suspicion that N-letter may actually be N-word.
I’m all mixed up.
N letter fried chicken? well, N for .. ?
@jjhitt: No, the N-letter comes with a fowl.
Mix Total Up Sea Friend is SpongeBob-free
‘Mix Chicken Movie’. The sequel to Chicken Run?
I’ll take the mix ligament with the black fried chicken.
I ordered the green gram noodles and a coke.
They brought me a gram of coke and a noodle.
Not to be confused with a chick flick.
I’d rather have Graham Greenes. (There are actually two famous people by that name.)
Got any F-word chicken?
Hey waiter, I’m already mixed total up.
“I like big ligaments and I cannot lie…”
Oh wow, I think I’ll take the mix noodle with green grams, dude.
Some awesome sh…!
Everything belongs to Mick.
Who’s starring in the Chicken Movie?
Today’s Chicken has been brought to you by the letter N.
I took a fried chick home last night.
cut the midrange, drop the bass..
I like big chickens and I cannot lie……
This is what we call a chicken Mixer, all the single hens and crowing cocks get together for a churn in the big mixing bowl. We play games like “Pin the Chicken on the Donkey” and “Hop, Hop, Cluck” and dance to songs like “Chicken in the Hay” Quick! Someone spiked the punch with chicken! We’re a well blended people!
“Mix ligament” must be the answer to the NPR Sunday Puzzle.
Ariel was mixed-up because she couldn’t find find Flounder/ She thought she’d find him but instead he found her/ Charlie the Tuna was scared as could be/ Because he was chicken of the sea.
In Thailand, grams come in all colors.
the salad greens here are FRIKKI-FRIKKI-FRESH
First praying mantis now praising chickens?
I will not mix it up with Chicks
I will not eat with noodle sticks
I will not mix it, I-am-Sams
I do not like eggs with green grams!
Just don’t mix my sea friend with my land friend. Thank you.
I expected to find Buttermilk biscuits in a Sir Mix a lot menu!
It kinda looks like instructions for a dinner kit; 1) Mix the chicken praises, 2) Mix the ligement, 3) Rent a movie…