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Like under a mushroom
and also growl in the dark.
Egad, that green splat must be some kind of alien life form like in Star Trek! And after dark, it will grow and grow, and take over this guy’s entire closet and hold all his clothing hostage! Where’s a phaser when you need one!?
Son, why are these stains on the BACK of your shirt?
Then shlink in the light!
The obvious mistake is that the message should be on the front of his pants.
And when it grows up it’ll finally start to glow.
It looks like a chewing gum. Any similarity to a gigantic amoeba is coincidental.
I see it spits in the dark as well.
It’s a fake – it grows only when you’re coming closer.
Do not expose to sunlight, never get it wet and don’t feed it after midnight.
Well, it started out as a large……
Plant your shirt today, reap a rich harvest of new-grown shirts tomorrow
If he grows in the dark, he must be a real fungi.
Obviously . . . it GLOW in the LIGHT
Otherwise . . . it GLOW in the RIGHT
What happened Seventy2rd O Clock? You used to leave the funniest comments. Now… not so much.
I imagine this is an advetisement for fluorescent condoms.
Is that a flashlight in your pocket or are you just glad to see me?
…and he’s looking for a grow-in-the dark watch to match.
Vampire..sun shrivels everything up!
Damn! I put my shirt on backward again.
Its all that midnight snacking…….