Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Are you going to San Francisco…
Welcome aboard the Love Bus, where happiness is not knowing that nothing came even if you noticed the thing inside is a happiness person. Let’s close our eyes, enjoy the ride and say ‘Ommmmmmm’!
Please visit Hellclassic.co.jp for eternal happiness.
I noticed the outside and didn’t go along.
Does the driver know where he’s supposed to go?
I was once so full of “happiness” that I got along without knowing. I noticed the inside when it came out a while later.
Day of each awakening I get it standing of a queue
To be travel happiness knowing proximity of you
I feel so restlessness and life of smile
Person of residential is it another mile
Engrish Bus
Engrish Bus
BEWARE: Happiness person inside!
The bus happiness will about to be happy.
I hope the love will be free!
I too was full of happiness but then the narcs got me. It’s really nice here though. We get visitors once a month and ice cream on Sunday.
You’re either on the bus or you’re off the bus. Ken Kesey 1968
Tin roof… rusted!
@Biff. Looks more like a fibreglass roof with osmosis.
Ahh! Now I see. It’s the osmosis family bus.
The bus has arrived! Let’s get along without knowing any English!
Classic Japanese Engrubbish.
Sadness person must back of a bus
“There will be love there.” — I did it on a Greyhound once.
Love Shack Express Line!
15 Miles, BYOB!
(The love shack is a little old place where we can get together.)
something isn’t not about to happy on the outside in
Thank God she didn’t get pregnant.
@ some people: would love to know why some people vote thumbs down. Why not just skip voting instead of insulting the writer?
Did they take the text from a spam email and print it on the side of the bus?
the level of ENgrish is devastating
@mickeygreeneyes: Most of my thumbs downs are from trying to vote on the iPhone. I’ve given a few, very few, for extremely bad taste, but I have very, very low standards in that department and it doesn’t happen often.
@ Stopchicks: I can’t figure out what song you’re parodying. Help me out here? 😕
Too much…the magic bus! The who for all you youngsters.
I once did notice a happiness thing upon a
bus which was astonishing me and I did
wonder if I had the time to read it all. I became
a road accidental the crash heavily upon
a distraction I was reading at the time before
emergency crew could peacefully acquire me
from the wreck and flames so bright and I am
a hospitalized person.
Too bad the driver is a Depression person
This one makes me want to yell, “Stop it! Just stop trying to use English!”
Rosa Parks bought her own car after one trip on that.
Seems like everything, from food packaging, clothing, to vehicles need to have some kind of bizarre, mood-setting verbiage on them. I understand English lettering is kind of in-vogue as a fashion design thing, so I guess it doesn’t matter what it says.
All aboard the magical mystery tour there.