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Well, it’s Britney, innit?
Mr. Gumby’s comment:
‘I want to meet someone with superior intelligence!’
Caution: may turn hair blonde.
I prefer her ‘shameless money grabber’ fragrance. That or the ‘totally public meltdown bath salts’
The classic oxymoron!
“Please enjoy this superior product and results of its use, which are:
– instantly lower IQ by factor 2 with every use
– powerful hair growth
– body odor that surpasses smell of dead bodies and rotting vegetables
– insanity, amnesia and various psychological disorders
WARNING: May kill leprosy, smallpox and swine flu viruses.”
I can’t describe the fragrance, it is simplely beyond words.
– It is highly recommended to visit your brain specialist after first use
– If there are no noticeable signs of dumbness, your brain will have to come out!
100% effective. I can’t speak because my jaw dropped.
They’ve signed Miss South Carolina for promotion
“Sir, we believe this might help get you re-elected.”
You’d have to be pretty dumb to spray yourself with water from the toilet!
Here’s an interesting little fact: Dumb used to originally only mean “mute”, but then people started using it to mean “stupid” after the German phrase “dumkopf”. How dumb is that? 🙂
May be used instead of detergent for mopping floors.
By the same manufacturer: Deafness, for dabbing behind the ears.
Eaux de toilette from the same perfumier, as yet unreleased: Dumberness, and the much-anticipated Dumbererness.
I used to use ‘Sit Down And Shut Up”.
But now I drink this stuff.
Jim Carrey says…
“Leave Britney ALONE!”
For that special blond in your life …
Can’t get enough of Britney! Oh … that’s already been done!
I really couldn’t expect anything else.
Oops! They did it again!
Finally they’ve bottled the essence of Britney..
(Isaac Hayes) “Ohh. I see you across the room, girl. Lookin’ SO fine in your strapless chiffon. You elegant moves on the floor, with those, uh, slightly crossed eyes… is that drool?! Ah, DAMN! I just forgot that I was supposed to be somewhere… with a thing we had… Let me get the h*ll out of here…!!”
Julia Gillard’s favourite fragrance.
I’m dumbfounded …
Stupid as stupid does!
So its pretty much Axe then?
The perfume that will not only make you smell like Paris Hilton, but will make you act like her too!
That’s not a word! I should know, I use Smartenity cologne.
There was a spelling mix-up in the packaging design. It actually smells like a fawn.
Pink had a perfume out too, but got tired of it being compared to this one.
Oops! That should be “…smells like a faun.”
What dose dumbness smell like?
MSRP $5.00 for case of 24 bottles.
“you smell dumb.”