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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Wendy’s goes that extra mile…
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Would you like fries with that culture and refinement?
Other fast food places: “Do you want fries with that?”
Wendy’s: “Have fries with that. It’d be real unfortunate if something bad was to happen to you for not having fries.”
Bit like starbucks not being purveors of good coffee.
Rocketed to earth as a small child, Wen-Di was raised by a kindly hamburger clown and given the name of Dave Thomas. Fighting a never-ending battle for truth, justice, and good aesthetic judgment!
YIKES . . . let’s go Arby’s, at least they will cut the threat !!
“Socks with sandals! You better take those off or else…”
Wendy’s employees: we don’t cut any corners when it comes to quality, we’ll just cut you up if you don’t buy our burgers.
…so make sure you enjoy your meal, because we know where you live.
…and your little dog too.
Because Quality is not just a Threat, it’s our Recipe
Bad taste and threats for everyone. Gotta love an equal opportunity for everyone!
We only refuse to cut one corner. Fortunately we mostly use circles
Wendy has changed a lot since the death of Dave Thomas. I got a death threat for not sizing up my fries and drinks.
I’ma gonna make you a hamburger you can not refuse.
Mommm! That little red-headed girl is threatening me again!
I kinda have an urge to misread “fresh” as “flesh”.
Threat Level: Red
But I have to cut corners, or my bread won’t fit in the toaster.
That’s not a threat, it’s a promise!
“I’m gonna make Ronald McDonald an offer he can’t refuse.”
No shirt, no shoes, no dinner jacket, no service.
It’s not a promise.
“….NOW! Would you rike uh paper or plastic befoe you get OUTTA MY STORE!! Thank you, and prease come many times…”
U can haz cheeseburger… or else.
At Wendy’s we won’t cut corner on anything … except translations.
must be an awesome threat
Wendys will beat the hell out of you but it’s all done in good taste.
What size fries would you like with your meal, mother****er?
“Family business”
And certainly not on proofreading
Hurt good taste and we’ll blow your head off!
We make the burger patties square so they’ll stick in your stinkin’ throat and you’ll die!
I always knew Wendy’s was a front for the Yakuza.