Way to ruin my day…
posted on 30 Mar 2012 in Chinglish
I got all my curvet out of my system on the way over….
Photo courtesy of Emma Merritt.
Found at a club in Shanghai.
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Nonsensical warning signs permitted
Is bombing and splashing OK
Wet pillows can pack quite a whallop.
Pay attention, cuz I ruined my feather pillow at that pool.
Water-bed fight must be allowed!
Curvet: a prancing leap of a horse in which the hind legs are raised just before the forelegs touch the ground.
@jjhitt: But I was playing water polo!
Pillow fights are all fun and games until someone loses all their down.
Some hullabaloo permitted but be sensible.
If you play water pollo, keep poney nose up so as to not drowned.
Ha, swimming pools – is there ANYTHING allowed at all?
Pillow fight fatalities are way down since we put up the sign.
@jjhitt; Is that what the life guards mean when they say no horseplay around the pool?
Also: Ever since care fell into the water, people have been ignoring the pool rules a lot more.
No Super Soaker fights in the hotel beds either.
Hugh Heffner is really cracking down on hyjink around the Playboy Mansion pool area…
@jjhitt: Most people just shorten that to “No Horseplay”
I lament the good old days where everything is allowed, incl sex and drugs, at the pool.
No, I think they mean no CORVETTES are allowed. Hey you kids! Get that sports car outta the pool!
Some day we will find “SWIMMING NOT ALLOWED” erected beside a swimming pool . . .
I think all the young ladies should “crack down” on men wearing skimpy swimming costumes.
but i always hurdle off the diving platform on horseback while pillow fighting my women friends in midair at the pool…
Waddaya mean you don’t use horses in water polo?!?!?
No pillow fights, ok. What about panty raids?
Thou shall not covet…
Man, a pillowfighting horseman diving via curvet must be gettin’ some sweet jailtime, but it’s worth it!
why? pillow fight is not dangerous!!
Never bring a pillow to a splash fight… And when you’re around these guys, wear a raincoat when they have pillow fights!