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Sounds like a bunch of bull
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Not me. I had one strong father and the udder one
Immaculate conception perhaps
Feeding must have been difficult growing up.
Having two strong mothers is even more difficult!
And that’s why I’m voting for Rick Sanitarium.
A young boy to a cow?! Emmmm, the parental influence was quite strong.
Genetically engineered gender confusion, growth hormones and special sauce on a sesame seed bun.
well… he IS wearing pink…!
Son, you’re not a happy cow, you’re a queer steer.
His boyhood farm must’ve been on Brokeback Mountain.
Alternative lifestyle choices down on the farm…
Yeah, but I got my revenge. I sued and milked them for all they were worth. They were my cash cows. That’s why I’m now a happy cow.
This phrase is lifted directly from the book “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” – just Google it. Let’s plagiarism!
What’s the difference between a bull and a cow?
A bull smiles when you milk it.
It depends on the species of the fathers.
This is a kind of rhetorical statement.
See? I told you same-sex parenting is an abomination! — Jerry Falwell
@mickeygreeneyes: It’s abominabull.
Maybe it’s a riddle and by two fathers he means his dad and grandpa who’s a father, too! Nahhh…
Yea! Yea! Lady looks like a dude….
Two strong fathers and a seriously overworked mother
♪ It’s on America’s tortured brow,
That Chandler Bing has grown up a cow ♫
Being the first transgender trans-species person can be tough.
Get outta here you fat pink cow.
It appears that the medication for Mad Cow Disease, has some unexpected side-effects.
Malaysia after all is a Muslim society… gayness is strictly forbidden!
I heard of Heather having two mommies – but this is ridiculous.
Thankfully the world has already bid Jerry Falwell farewell ^_^
Didn’t I heard this from Mr. Garrison while pointing at Stan and Kyle?
An udder bum steer..
Did you know that a synonym for teh verb ‘cow’ is ‘bully’? No wonder this bovine creature is confused… especially since he/she has no genitalia… and no udder.
Yet he is still a happy cow…
That pink cow is probably now the only gay in the village…
Why do I lose my faith in humanity when I read these comments? The sex of the parents does not make him any less adjusta-bull.
where is oprah when you need her..
Who said being gay isn’t natural!?
Bovine Bipatriform Encephalopathy a.k.a. Sad Cow Disease
I’m guessing this is a statement against homosexual adoption…