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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Harry Potty and the Deathly Influenza
posted on 21 Feb 2012 in Chinglish
If you’re literate enough to read this, you’re probably fine.
Photo courtesy of David Mahler.
Found in Los Angeles Chinatown.
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Reminds me of fresh air urining.
Swine influenza is created when you discharged into the toilet blow and it spreads by going kaboom.
Engrish is very serious problem and is here in the USA too.
Everyone wants an honorable discharge.
♫ Livin’ in the USA… ♫
This is what happened to most of the lost civilizations of the past; someone spits in the ashtray and the next thing you know you’re all blowing on the floor.
What, no discharging on the floor and no spitting on ashtrays? What kind of hotel is this?
Oh, my God! Management of WHAT? Lee Chong’s Ancient and Honorable Flop House?
Does this include defacaing?
To urinate on floor can result in moderate to severe death.
Also, do not urinate in the hand basin. You may wish to wash your socks in iot later..
Severe attacks of Engrish, can cause headachjes and seizures here in the USA too, and many other parts of the world. Please cover eyes and ears, so you can neither hear or see this sign. No urining on this sign or on the signwriter.
Your coo-peration is expecting.
If I catch you urining in my ashtray swine flu is going to be last of your worries.
While urining, make sure to aim precisely at your own mouth rather than the toilet blow. That will ensure countless hours of fun and lifely laughter ^_^
Toilt blow? How accomodating!!!
Know what scares me the most about swine flu? Getting it! O_O
I heard tipping generously at chinese restaurants has a protective effect
That flu virus infection looks deathly ill. Better call a priest.
Urine the army now.
Don’t eat the hotel food! You might have to discharge into to toilet blow…all night
I’m urining for a different sign master.
I would be more concerned with look out for everyone health died in this building.
And “blow not on the floor?” I dry my hands that way, not the floor.
The curse of the fatal death!
Don’t worry, dehappy.
Welcom to U.S.A. Nice Enrish spleaking country. We’ll, it used to be, anyway.
Snort some toilet blow.
Toilet blow? Man, those hi-tech Japanese toilets can do everything!
I urined myself upon seeing this.