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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Engrish.com - Very Enough
Feng Wee
posted on 24 Feb 2012 in Chinglish
“You know what would complete this room? A splash of yellow in the corner.”
Photo courtesy of Matthias Winter.
Found in front of closed Pizza Hut at Beijing Airport.
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Ronald loves the yellow walls
That’s a nice new color scheme, but… what’s that smell?
“Decoration”? I’m sorry, I thought you said “interior defecation”. My bad.
No, this decor is totally unforgivable. The decorator should be shot and p.. oh nevermind.
What HAVE you done to your living room?
Oh, it’s just some $h!t I’ve thrown together
Those flowers in the corner have especially nice smell today!
I’d rather forgive to be incontinent for… well, other things.
NOTE: Please don’t use the toilet for interior decoration.
The restaurant was closed by the Ministry of Health for improper interior decoration.
The saying is “Forgive or relive”, not “Forgive or relieve”.
Okay, but exactly what continent will I be in? Bet it’s AAAAAAsia!
Now this pisses me off.
If this takes off, I could use my dogs as interior decorators!
My pizza tastes funny.
Interior decoration . . . interior of WHAT ??
Yes. I imagine it would be inconvenient.
This sign is for your convenience.
I was very relieved to find an Interior decorator who would do this job.
My Mom used to hang the interior decoration outside the window to shame me. Too late to apologize now Mom. You’ll never see me in Beijing Airport again.
Sounds like a rush job!
that explains mcdonald’s golden arches.
There aren’t a lot of reasons to beg forgiveness,
Just #1 and #2.
Welcome to Casa de Caca. We don’t get many visitors since the place has gone down the sh!tter.
The golden shower room at the end of the hall with the brown shag carpet. Please forgive the decor. And don’t step in the leadership.
Did that painter on Murphy Brown ever finish?
Should be “inconvenience”, not “incontinent”!
I officially lost my taste for pizza.
Colors du jour: smelly yellow and smelly brown