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Park sign rules (contains vulgar language)
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© 1999 - 2025 Engrish.com. All rights reserved.
– “This park is really boring.”
– “No sh*t, dude!”
Is wreslting and roller skating allowed.
The sign on this groun is grouned.
Phew, so the wizz and puke I did on that bench over there are ok, right?
Public defecation is becoming a major problem in China. Illegal poop parties are happening in many public parks and recreation areas.
Football score:
Moles 17
Gophers 21
Do not break rule #5, ESPECIALLY if someone already broke rule #3.
“Personal foul. Unnecessary use of fecal matter. Fifteen yards, automatic first down.”
And when the lights go out things get really interesting.
Will the last person to leave the park please turn out the lights and flush.
I’m trying to figure out how to break all of them at once, but my dog doesn’t chew gum.
Now let’s see: For number 3 do they mean “We are not shitting you. We really mean it”? Or have people actually been taking a dump in the playground sandboxes? Is this the source of organic sand? Hmmm. I wonder.
You can leave chewing gums SOMEwhere, but not EVERYwhere? Got it? Leave at least a few square inches free of Juicy Fruit. Thank you.
Seems like the Chinese are not allowed to urinate either. For English-speaking people it is perfectly OK though.
Shitty day…in the park…I think I might have stepped in mud pie
You’re grounded!
No football? Are you s___ing me? Wait, I guess you can’t do that either.
Not the ideal park for a self defecating person.
Welcome to our f*cking park.
Obviously, this is no park. No bikes, no pets, no playing, no s(h)itting…. So what kind of groun(d) is it?
I certainly would not play football, on ground dogs have been craopping all over.
So am I forbidden to defecate ON the ground or IN the ground?
This is a pst free, gum free, bicycle free, shit free, gum free, park. Otherwidse use it for whatever you wish
OK! May I have wild Group Sex on the park benches?
Yes? Ok then. I was perhaps thinking of 20 or 30 people. Still cool mate?
EDIT: This is a pet free, bicycle free, gum free, shit free, football free, park. Otherwise use it for whatever you wish
I S#it you not!
The Subterranean Football League is banned from this park
Rule #7 (on reverse)
After 20:00 you may do all of the above.
Violators will be put in the ground.
China’s answer to the occupy movement.
China’s attempt to copy Wrigley Field.
#6 This is outdoors, so it’s flattering that they think I control the sun. I promise to have it down by 20:00
I hate those chewing gums that people leave everywhere. Always end up eating the grass.
Bury me not in the cold cold groun.
“Park officer, this is not a pet. I plan to eat him.”
Well I didn’t need to anyway