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Inking for the nafarious.
Be prepared for the upcoming movie, The gil with the dlagon tattoo.
Last time I went to rememberance day to show my respect and appreciation, I was bashed. Is that some kind of generation gap?
R.A. Ink
Poor Uncle Lester…
“He wanted a 13 but they drew a 31”
Hand me the White Out….
Rest We Folget!
Only over his dead body.
“Dearry Beroved…”
To sleep—perchance to dream. Ay, there’s the lub!
We all know that ”Let’s in Peace” would be correct Engrish.
(Although it’s still a mystery why ”Rest in piss” remains more widely accepted form).
Rets all get peaced.
Typos HURT
I’m sorry but, what does it say exactly?
“Test Ink”???
Comes from the famous quote:
“We must start a war,
Lest in peace we grow fat.”
All it takes is a momentary slip of a needle, and – voilà!
(continued on next hair free portion of skin)
Coming Soon To This Location:
An even bigger tattoo to cover this one up.
and Rest in Pieces
While Kris Gould may actually be right here, that nice quote is not what will come to mind first for most viewers of this tattoo.
Typohondricus tattoatis.
I see a hair.
Rest we forget.
Wait- Why would someone get “Rest in peace” tattooed on them in the first place?
And even if it was supposed to say “Lest”, it still doesn’t make sense..
^^^ Perhaps it’s their “final” tattoo?
Darth: … Actually, I made that up.
Lest is more… tattoos to cover up this one that is.
And may God bless your loul.
OK OK! this is enough. Sara is having fun at my expense. there were a series of pictures taken.
The final tattoo reads: Lest in Peace Madame Bullerrfry.
so there!
I’d rather lust in peace.
Lest in Peace We Die, Be Viorent!