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Do not use in small confined spaces.
You really need to be careful of the silent by deadlies
The motion sensor is also able to pick up the movement of pass out.
For big farts please insert a D battery.
Choking children produce small farts.
Choking adults produce a rectal turbulence.
No batteries required.
I’m not amused. I choked on a small fart when I was 1 and it was terrifying. I think my mother was nursing me and let one slip out. Luckily it wasn’t my Dad.
Children under 3, their bodies are so small, farts coming out from the wrong end can become a choking hazard.
In Canada, It’s called child abuse and you will be prosecuted.
According to the Dutch label at the right, the batteries must not be “weggled”.
Our motion sensor is the only one on the market which detects even the smallest forbidden gas movement of the children under 3 years.
I wouldn’t know anything about this. I’ve never farted.
Big farts from adults would be more suffocating!
Mount the camera? Hey, I’ll let ya know when I get desperate enough to start dating Nikons!
Method of use:
– For successful installation, it is highly recommended to use Install Shield Wizard, or a gas mask
– When alarm goes off, immediately start the process of evacuation
– After the building and surroundings are evacuated, please eliminate
all possible gas leftovers and decontaminate the children and the wider area
– To prevent further accidents, avoid giving the children too much beer, beans etc. (especially to those under 3 years)
Wasn’t me.
Hed not tis but the breaking of wind.
Ah! Tis better he break it before than behind.
(Midsummer Nights Dream)
The motion sensor will catch you crapping in the car-park.
Fart big son…fart big and proud!
The motion sensor can pick up the motion of pass by, but will confuse small farts with small children.
Are these the directions for a Dutch Oven?
They haven’t met my toddler.
cameras these days are so advanced, they act like prostitutes. first it lets you mount it, then it picks up passerby?
although that doesn’t explain the farting and subsequent choking hazard
Translated by Dutch Cowboy.
dang it didn’t work. I found a “fart in the face” emoticon. Oh well
Something is about to not happy.
No, you have to mount it in a comfortable location and then justlet the movement pass by.
It’s an automated laser-shooting maximum-security motion-detecting killing machine. Once activated, it thinks that small farts are the sounds of a burglar’s shoes, and will fire at will.
No wonder these don’t sell so well.
Manufactured by the same company that makes the liquid you put in your pool that turns the water red when you pee.
parental guidance for children between 3 and 10
The little ninjas are the most dangerous ones.