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This stuff makes defecation so easy that people have to queue before traffic lights in little trains while going to the loo.
Something to really give you the sh*ts.
“That’s why I’m easy”. The Comodors.
Excuse me for a moment, I have to go to defecate myself.
@ Seventy2rd o clock: How self defecating of you.
That’s the answer to #occupy restroom
Defecation Easy (Granules) – HK favourite brand
Shi* Easy (Bulk) – US prefer brand
Poop Easy (Humongous) – European like brand
Go Easy (Paramount) – Everyone wants it bland
Our motto: ”When our granules hit the fan … sit down and have fun!”
Now with more fiber!
It’s like Draino for small children.
It’s a laxative
For maximum relief sprinkle liberally over fried enema.
No instructions needed. This sh!t is easy.
As a practical joke for the holidays, I baked some of this into oat bran raisin muffins with whipped prune icing. No one’s seen Uncle Ted for three days.
Pro-biotics capsules used a laxatives.
I’d translate that literally into “Happy Poo-Poo”
I’ve heard of ‘sh*tting bricks’, but sh*tting Lego persons?
CAUTION: Not effective on Road-Runners.
It worked so well for my girlfriend, I had to haul her in a separate wagon behind me.
Two kids one ride?
We replaced Jim’s Folger crystals with new D-E granules.
Let’s see if he notices…
Granules. Sharp? Ouch!
The Ring of Fire
Watch out for loud explosions.
Terrible eruptions
Rivers of burning lava
And poisonous gases.
Side product of halogen intestines.
Wait a second–that is the most dangerous traffic light I have ever seen! Has someone hacked into it?
Toot Toot! Here comes the poop! All aboard!
brought to you by the kind folks at Synthetic Saliva
Contains prunes, bran, beans, and Diet Coke.
Somebody noticed all the lights are green.
Chinese Translation:
(Brand Name) Hong Kong Famous Brand
En-en (the sound you apparently make) Happy/Joy. Laxative capsules. Gastrointestinal health. Smooth pooping. (Can’t read the text bubbles-too blurry) Good quality, essential research. On the right: pediatrics supreme. Medicinal reputable family.
All green lights, you ask ?
Suggests that, once started, there’s no stopping Defecation Easy !
YYD is all correct!!
Genuine mistake from HK marketing staff so to speak…
They really need to brush up the language, this kind of mistake can destory brand identity!
Proudly bearing the GMP (Get More Poo) seal of approval.