Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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We cut their heads off!
Contract killer wanted.
“Don’t try to test me, Clarise. A rooster once tried to test me. I ate his giblets with fava beans and a nice chianti.”
We’re slashing prices…and chickens.
This is probably a trap set by Legend of Zelda’s chickens.
Assorted Vegetarians would go berserk.
What happens to me if I steal a murdered chicken?
Like Gaddafi up a sewer pipe.
Be careful of the chicken with a back pack strapped tp its back.
********CHICKEN WANTED********
********REWARD: $10,000*********
****With discount, only $1000!*****
You aught to see what we do with the goats.
Looks like a lot of chicken choking going on here.
Although a little-known fact, in the early 90’s business partners Frank Perdue and John Wayne Gacy opened a chain of restaurants in the Southwest. For unknown reasons the franchise failed to catch on.
KFC Mafia strikes again.
It puts the chicken in the basket…
Now we know who the monkey offended.
“Murder most fowl as in the best it is.
But this most fowl, strange and 50 percent off while supplies last.”
— ghost from Henlet, Act I
All chickens 50% off…. mwahahaha.
“Meat is murder. Tasty, tasty murder.”
I’ll have two chicken murders and a side of duck suicides please.
Poultry Hitmen For Hire
Dear PeTA infiltrator: Well played.
If you don’t care for the chicken, we have duck.
Ga-Daffy Duck.
Cow: ‘Did they get you?’
Chicken: ‘Nope. Too cheap.’
How much do I get for one piece of chicken murder?
Free range poultry?
No. We have firing range poultry.
Birds That Maketh Murder
Curiosity got the best of me. The actual translation is “We have murdered chickens on sale.” Which is to say that chickens are sold live and “murdered” by the cook just before they are used. This is due of course to the scarcity of refrigeration and even electricity in some areas. Still…
The Poultry Mob will take care of any little disputed you want resolved
‘Worse than that madam. It’s dead.’
word on the street is that steven seagull works here…
Going Cheep…
“When you’re plucked with Tony Montana, you’re clucking with the best.”
Does PETA own this place?
Murder most fowl!!!
This site never fails to make me laugh
What about roosters? Do you whack roosters? I got this rooster next door… he talks too much. You know what I mean?
Chicken Allahuakbar
the cows from chick-fil-a must be behind this.
Next door (out of camera shot) is the “Sale of Dog Murder” shop, probably.
“Hallo? 911? I have just ran over a pair of chickens, what should i do?
– Well, just drag them off the road so other cars won’t make a bloody mess from them.
– All right. Done. What should I do with their scooter?
Clerk: Sir, would you like this henwhey?
Customer: What’s a henwhey?
Clerk: around 2 1/2 pounds!
see next door for sale of sheep murder
Mmm, maybe I’ll have chicken in red rum sauce tonight.