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This DVD’s a right pain in the bum.
Looks like the main cast just learned the title of their play.. The expression of eager anticipation and outright terror is a giveaway of what to expect..
The reason Gulliver traveled to Lilliput was to get his colon examined by the tiny people who could access his rear like miners.
I hear they’ve reworked the ending…
The reason Gulliver traveled to Lilliput was to get his colon examined by the tiny people which could climb into his rear.
In this movie, you start at the ending and go backwards.
In the original Technicolor, the reds were too red.
In Technicolon, it’s the same thing… only with brown.
This DVD’s a pain in the bum.
Gulli’s VCR on DVD?
The problem with Technicolor was the reds were too red.
Technicolon is similar, except now it’s with brown.
What next . . . Techniarse or Technicock?
A: Technicolon
Q: What’s it called when your computer geek turns out to be an a**hole?
In this modern adaptation of the classic tale, Gulliver is a tape worm.
First number 2 in 3D
This must be the adventure where Gullivcr burns the anal and places it on a stand.
I never realized Gulliver swung that way! But that explains the smile on his face and the look of horror on the faces of the two little men beside him.
Does it also come with surround sound?
Is that “Gulliver’s Travels in Technicolon” or
“Gulliver’s Travels in The Chincolon” ?
The latter sounds like a journey into darkness.
You THINK it’s a lighthouse.
Well, sir, we here at the Lilliputian People’s Institute for Proctology sometimes have a problem when the probe is too large for the patient’s rectum, but in your case, uh, well, do you see that lighthouse behind us?
always remember to pay your respects to the almighty sphincter before exploring the technicolon!
Your fantastic journey begins here.
Oh dear. This is just one of those ridiculously embarrassing cartoons from China. At least they tried to emulate correct English cover text…
I don’t think I want to know where he’s been traveling.
The dwarves seem to be quite tanned-looking here…
I recall Gulliver *threatening* to eat Lilliputians, but…
Currently being shown in Baboon Butt color.
Prequel to GulliDVDs Travels.
Watch out for Little-poot-ians
♫ Carry on poor Lemiwinks, or you will soon be dead ♫
The title is “Lilliput” or literally Small People Nation.
The text on the bottom indicates that it is dubbed in both Chinese and English.
For endoscopy, we’ll send a lilliputian armed with a video camera.
Where no man has gone before. And very few would wish to go.
I wish I had a technicolon!
Wait… how do I play a DVD in my GulliVCR?
The people of Lilliput was grateful to perform an inspection for Gulliver after the war.
The comments seem to be experiencing technicolon difficulties.
Lilliputian tour guides suck
This cruiseline stinks!!!!
For when you just have to go where the sun don’t shine!
The rainbow colon strikes again!
“We must go deeper”
First stop: San Francisco!
Filmed with a colonoscopy cam.
That’s the last time I use a Lilliputian tour service
I know Mel Gibson is struggling getting back into starring movie roles, but this is ridiculous!
Once you go Technicolon you never go back.
In The Canterbury Tales, there is the story of a friar who travels to Hell and sees every type of church official represented except for friars. The friar is initially pleased until he discovers that friars in Hell are placed up the Devil’s anus.
Correctly spelled: ‘TRAVELS IN THC CHINACOLON’.
Is this a religion – free gulli-VCR / DVD movie?
Jack Black, PLEASE, never do this one!