Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Engrish for your dairy life
Pregnant Pause that Refreshes
posted on 23 Sep 2011 in Chinglish
Also check out the Adult Engrish of the Week!
Photo courtesy of Tammy Luong.
Found at coffee shop in China.
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We don’t want any child coffee – only adult condition.
Maybe Fujieda Coffee gave birth to this child coffee? It has a taste of a japanese mother!
Well I hope it’s decaf – I don’t want a hyperactive kid.
Coffee can cause pregnancy? That explains everything!
“Congratulations, Mr. Folgiers, it’s a hazelnut!”
This should qualify for ‘Child Engrish of the Week’.
I’ll have a cup of the siberian thanks
Uh-oh! Guess I won’t be going to Starbuck’s any more.
The Coffee World Map describes the population distribution of children on earth.
after 3 cups it FELT like giving birth
Let’s coffee birth condition!
The barrista must have skipped anatomy class….
One Vente and one condom, please.
“..and that’s why we don’t know who your father is.”
Excuse me, I ordered a mocha latte. This has blue eyes.
If you drink it with the morning after pill, will it counter the affects?
That Juan Valdez guy really gets around.
Well, we couldn’t sleep, so… you know…
Black coffee is the new pennyroyal tea.
Boy or girl?
So you see, kids, that’s why you always use a filter.
The text above the Engrish is a description detailing that various coffee (beans) are (born and) grown in tropical climates/environments.
foldgers… you are NOT the father! [/maury]
I give birth every morning after my coffee.
Mrs. Coffee, you had twins, the older one Espresso and the younger one Long white.
I told her not to swallow it.
Yeah! Decaf is only for kids.
Not Fair Trade Coffee but Fair Maid Coffee
Am glad not a coffee drinker. I drink tea before bed and it just gives birth to an adult condition.
Love your child unconditionally?
See! It wasn’t Justin Beiber after all…
Son, it’s time we told you about the birds and the beans.
This is the non birth control coffee.
Which of the Hills Bros. is to blame?