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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Eric Clapton?
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Drinking what!
What not to wear to the Winehouse residence
Amazing offer: pay two, get one amusing drink.
What about amusing drinking while rock music?
It’s hard to amuse a rock. Takes at least a half gallon.
Also Playing:
The hilarious rock music while smoking
The raving rock music while snorting
The violent and paranoid rock music while puffing
The comatose rock music while injecting
I’d rather the cake.
Wierd Al Yankovic.
Sex, drunks, and rock & roll.
Needless to say. EVERYTHING’s amusing while drinking. That’s why we drink.
jbms jhcc to thumbdowner *hic*
I guess that’s really old school, most of them drink and do drugs now.
On the rocks?
The amusing rock music while drinking
The un-amusing rock babies while sober.
What kind of woman do YOU want to be?
Even more amusing: rock music while toking.
Beer earphones?
this is news to me; apparently if your guitar playing sounds cohesive, you’re doing it wrong…
I’ve owned a rock for years, and I have never been able to drink enough, to hear it play any music.
Van Halen > David Lee Roth > his new band Chicken Foot = the chicken burns the leg
@ J: I don’t get it.
Ingredients and care:
50% Bumbac
50% Alcohol
Do not inside wash
Do not drink drive
Do not rave
Please allow 24 hours to get sober.
An excellent gift idea for the George Thorogood groupie in your life.
oh god, the engrish is making me crazy
Rock Music + Drinks= EPIC!!
So the music is ska right?
you mean Eric Crapton?
He drinks a whisky drink, he drinks a vodka drink…
Why can’t we not be sober?
I Just want to start things over.