Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Please… don’t hurt me!
Just lay down put your hands on your head and don’t move!
Use at your own risks!
This one’s had enough…..
URINAL-ot-of-trouble if you mess with me!!
I suppose it’s inevitable if you’re being peed on all day
I am urinal naughty bits ”angrily”
What…? You want me to p*** off?!
Unit Number 1 shown here just hours before the meltdown.
Beware of savage splashback.
Out of odor too?
Mens Restlessroom
Regis Philbin pissed here.
Tired of being splashed on, the sink finally arranged an intervention.
Caaution it has teeth.
No one ever satisfied me…!
Beware of rampaging urinals. Don’t get caught with your pants down.
All this and more on the next Jerry Springer…
This is going to be a very bad horror movie.
“Jiggle MY handle, willya? Jiggle THIS…”
Just… don’t convulse.
Are you allrigth?
Return of the bath tyrant.
Suffers from Attention Deficit Disorder, without medication and drinking all day, it is not a surprise.
I don’t get it. It looks rather calm to me. In my day–before the advent of psychotropic drugs–urinals could be much more violent. And bidets got so aggressive that they were virtually banned in France where they were once so tolerated.
…that one’s pissed. Seriously.
Is it frush against wall?
Guyver- Bio Boosted Urinal! Guyver in the language of the ancients means….Out of Control
Guyver- Bio Boosted Urinal! Guyver in the language of the ancients means….Out of Control
It’s right besides the sink ! :-)) You’d better have a VERY GOOD control !
Order! Order!
This urinal is strictly for use by those who are out of control!
For those can still hold their bladders, please go further behind.
Judging by the state of the floor, I’d say your assessment is correct.
I love how _Control_ is underlined for emphasis.
You’re in deep s**t!
We all know Clint Eastwood pees napalm.
Now we know where he’s peed for years.
TRANSFORMERS… a lot more common in Asia
I don’t like to see you all pissed like that
Korean for: Use the sink!
Out of control: that’s actually the guys who use it.