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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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It is confused…
posted on 2 May 2011 in Signs
That’s what she said…
Photo courtesy of Marque Gauder.
Found at Lake Ashi in Hakone, Japan.
Japanese says: “No passing ahead.”
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It doesn’t do a very good job, then!
(White Men Can’t Jump, 1991):
– It happened again. I lost the money.
– You want to run that by me one more time?
– It happened again.
– …….. It?! No! No, Billy. What the f*** is “it, it, it”? There is no “it.” It is you! You happened again! Damn it, Billy!
Don’t touch the bushes anymore!
Sounds more like adult engrish
The sign ahead says don’t walk on the grass
There’s a sign-post up ahead. Your next stop… the hose again.
Ma’am… I do believe you play a part in the “it slips out” bit.
It passes this ahead
It passes this behind
It slips it out and shakes it all about.
You’re doing the Hokey-Pokey.
What is it: unintentional, slippery and tricky … ?
You know it has a medical condition!
I can get you a tablet for that
Like throwing a pickle down a hallway.
So much anticipation for nothing.
Dear Sign,
Thank you for understanding.
…and she is not happy about that…
It’s just not that into you…
Mowed down by Turfus interruptus.
Franky says Relax….
It passes… but Kobe intercepts… he shoots he scores.
Apparently this time it doesn’t get the hose…
I blame whoever asked it to pass the dang sign ahead. Couldn’t they see it was busy?
Always a problem when you mix too much alcohol with sex.
The nearer your destination the more it slips out and doesn’t come.
It is a silent stinker….
Now it places the lotion in the basket …
Wrong approach?
The grass must have taken the Chinese national attestation…
it passes her mouth, but slips out and doesn’t come.
the solution is easy:
suck harder!
Everything is nothing. Man, I’m so lost…
Whoever wrote that must a sexpert, involving key words such as head, slip out and doesn’t come.
It gets on the Mama and it doesn’t come.
It passes this ahead, it slips out, and thne it gets the hose again
“It” perhaps being The Great Pumpkin?
Then it puts the lotion in the basket…
It puts the lotion in the basket…
>_> “because i got high because i got high because i got hiiiiiiiiigh!”
Next time it visits a more skillful “service provider”.