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Still tastes like chicken…
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That was one sorry ass!!!
I dont want to know where the additional finger goes.
Excuse me, was that finger shape rice cake ever in my stew?
Can I order from the ‘Stay Away From Me’ menu?
I’m on a romantic date, I think that the “Together menu” … Well, on second thoughts …
Pop hwyl, Mr Kim.
Sorry, make that Pob hwyl, Mr Kim.
I, for one, welcome our new chickensh!t overlords.
The chicken had better not crossed the street in the first place……. It got its ass stewed!
Additional Jerrys are hard to find. Just ask the Grateful Dead.
I understand globalization in the food industry, butt the chicken……
The Chickens just crap
This tastes like a chickens…oh, right, that’s the point
I’m thinking that take quite some time and a few hundred chickens to prepare…
The stew was cooked by a spinster.
I dare you to try the anal sphincter stew. Or are you chicken?
That’s Korean for “hot dog”.
lol @ additional jerry noodle
Wrong!!! it should be jelly noodles
Unfortunately, this is not Engrish. I have been served this before. When it is placed in front of you, it looks kind of like Cheerios soup.
Today’s special: “Guess what?…”
Instructions: Insert item number 6 into item number 2…
Omg this tastes like crap! There is just too much chicken in this dish!
You’ll appreciate the irony later, when this gives you diarrhea.
Finger f*ckin’ good!
Don’t point that finger at the chicken or he’ll shake a tail feather in your soup! Nice to see the Korean and Welsh dragons are working with the Italian fishermen too!
Chicken Giblets anyone??
What is it with our Asian friends and their TMI menus???
They offer a proctologist special, it’s the finger shaped rice cake in the chicken anal sphincter stew.
Are you sure that’s even chicken, because just few hours ago it walked on four legs and played frisbee with me.
…because you can never have enough Jerry Noodle !
Ewww…who would eat sweet potatoes?
daak dong jip is chicken gizzards – where the heck did anal sphincter come from? Chickens don’t even have an separate anus! Though I’m sure if they did someone would turn it into a regional delicacy.
The Jerry (Sienfield) noodles are of course, fusilli.
Jerry, Jerry, Jerry… Noodles
Must be The Jerry Springer Noodle with stew like that on the menu.
spinster, chicken and anal fingering
Mmmmmm! You can really taste the chicken ass!
What did I just eat! Oh Gawd! I thought they were Spaghetti O’s!
Or you can try on of our special set menus!: chicken anal sphincter stew with additional finger shape rice cake!
Well I’ve never tried ass before
well, if you’ve eaten this menu item, then you’ve tried anal, sad to say. that reminds me — tell jerry to keep his noodle in his pants.
those a-holes!
I love me a good serving of Seinfeld!
Sadly I know what that is. I heard its chewy.
Whoever said that 닭똥집 is chicken gizzards was lied to!
닭 = chicken
똥 = shit
집 = house
Really, the translation is correct. Koreans eat chicken butt holes, and yes they are chewy…so I’ve been told.
In France, they called dandelion salad “piss in bed” salad. I’m NOT making this up!
Together menu – you can show me your finger shape cake, i can show you my anal sphincter stew
So this is what Korean chefs come up with when they finally get it together.
Could I have a rice finger in my sphincter stew, please?