Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Head first of course
Beware of safety. Run into obstacle to avoid safety!
Don’t miss it if you can!
Thanks, but I think I’ll recklessly avoid it.
Doctor treating patient for head trauma: “Uh huh, and do you believe EVERYTHING you read?”
Other signs in the ruthless practical joke series include “cliffs ahead: throw yourself off”, “increase speed – dangerous curves”, and the ever popular “Please provoke the bears”.
Other side of the sign: Stupid!
Now, close your eyes…
Head-banging for dummies !
If your shattered ribcage matches one of these four diagrams, you win a Big Mac!
Offer must be redeemed the same day. Not valid in Uruguay. Fries not included.
Warning: Idiots Crossing.
It was nice running into you.
Notice the capital “It.” You could meet Pennywise here!
I’m sorry your IT application closed unexpectedly. Throw nearsty geek into lamppost and reboot drive.
Park Ranger: I’m calling in a 414: Visitor has avoided the sign. Please send backup.
It reminds me of the “Carefully slip & fall down” sign
Two men walk into a bar. The third one ducks.
Caution: It’s for wimps.
This message brought to you by the society for the advancement of natural selection.
does the blue mean its safe to do so?
Just don’t insanely walk into It.
It will be bored.
Now I know where all those YouTube “people falling” compilation videos come from…
I didn’t know they have a platform 9 3/4 in China!
Be safe at your own risk
Road Runner: Run into It.
Wile E. Coyote: Bang your head.
Hey…I can’t read that sign. What does it.. *donk.*
The only way to keep idiots away
Run into it before living.
Red light! Green light!
Run into that wall before it runs into you!!
face your fears…c’mon DO it!!
Wow, right to the point this time. It makes so much more sense!
Anybody up for a game of find the stud???
OKAY EVERYBODY! There comes a car…
One… twoo… hold it… THREE! NOW RUN INTO THE CAR!
Abiding Japanese laws since 1984
Too late…
OUCH!! That hurts! @_@
Compliance IS mandatroy
If you want to lose some IQ points…
Don’t Drink Drive Into It