The designer of this shirt must have been talking about Candlejack with a colleague when he
14 years ago
And here I though the reasoning for keeping woman’s basketball separated from men’s was because men were taller and had an unfair advantage in upper body strength. Instead we find out that the real reason for having no woman on the Lakers is PMS.
The aborted first stabs at a script for the ill-fated Love Boat spin-off, Friendship Laker.
14 years ago
PMS or ADD, you make the call.
Joe Romero
13 years ago
Because I caresully, Take caRE
Seventy2rd o clock
13 years ago
Of course no one understands doesn’t. All Mad Diseaseses here is like.
13 years ago
I bet I know what happened- my high school’s initials are “MPS” and we were the Lakers. Looks like we outsource the do tie-dyes instead of making the freshmen do it these days…
Austin Kendall
13 years ago
While the people made these shirts, they must have struck up a conversation about Candlejack. He i-
Now THAT’s marketing: they make you buy the whole collection to see what the collection is really all about! 😀
I don’t understand, so yeah: it doesn’t……..
It’s simple just don’t eat meat.
Is this t-shirt trying to tell us that PMS and Mad Cow Disease are the same thing?
My wife talks like that.
“I was parking the car and”
@DrLex: It should read “The call it PMS because Mad Cow Disease was taken…”
What’s a friendship Laker?
Is it related to the acquaintance Clipper?
T-shirt message… to be continued. Stay tuned.
(or look at the back… the rest of the message may be there)
I have never finished anything in my life, but this time I wi…
What part of “doesn’t” do you not understand?
My name is Kobe and I …
If you put all the Friendship Lakers end to end across the mall, they spell out a paragraph.
Starts with Friendship.
Ends with Mad Disease.
Story of my life.
When you said you were a “Laker girl” I thought you meant something else.
He couldn’t finish his sentence as he was suddenly silenced by unknown forces.
Just because I don’t care doesn’t mean I don’t understand.
Kobe from Kobe approves this message shirt, many….
The designer of this shirt must have been talking about Candlejack with a colleague when he
And here I though the reasoning for keeping woman’s basketball separated from men’s was because men were taller and had an unfair advantage in upper body strength. Instead we find out that the real reason for having no woman on the Lakers is PMS.
It’s those naughty Chinese censors again.
Hmmm Something to do with the Edmund Fitzgerald.
Lakers. As in Kareem Abdul Jibber-Jabber ?
I might consider buying this blouse just to
I will start watching basketball if the Lakers go with this as the uniform.
Now we know what caused the Kobe/Shaq feud… PMS aka Mad Disease.
The fact that no one understands doesn’t make you an artist.
The aborted first stabs at a script for the ill-fated Love Boat spin-off, Friendship Laker.
PMS or ADD, you make the call.
Because I caresully, Take caRE
Of course no one understands doesn’t. All Mad Diseaseses here is like.
I bet I know what happened- my high school’s initials are “MPS” and we were the Lakers. Looks like we outsource the do tie-dyes instead of making the freshmen do it these days…
While the people made these shirts, they must have struck up a conversation about Candlejack. He i-