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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Trohibitstan: voted least friendly
Believe it, my uncle lost a leg during a skirmish in Trohibitstan.
Photo courtesy of Courtney and John.
Sign warning visitors not to get too close to the edge of a cliff.
Folded Brocade Hill, Guilin, China.
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“Honestly, Honey! I’m sure if it was really dangerous it would be clearly marked! Honey…? Honey..!? Hey, where’d you go…?”
It looks to me like it’s only dangerous if your name is Stan.
Aww, man…..they don’t allow the Sega Genesis?
Trivate Troperty!
I’m glad you pointed that out, because otherwise I may have done whatever it is I’m not meant to do. Or maybe not done it. Or maybe followed your instructions. Or something. Thanks again, though.
Funny I thought the sign was telling us about the dead trees.
And we’d rather not see Kyle, Cartman or Kenny around here, either.
When did the Chinese start using Flench instead of Engrish?
I’m a little disappointed they got “this” and “strictly” correct. Other than that, though, outstanding work.
I tried to book a flight to Trohibitstan. Then I found out I was on their no-fry list !
Why can’t this sign just say “go away!”
Howe ver,if yo u’re not Trohibit Stan, fee lfreeto snes casually.
This sign is located just outside of Castle AAAAaaauuuuuggghhhh.
Can’t figure out sign . . . must . . . get . . . closer . . . loooooooooo
You have been warned! Or have you?
Advice to tourists:
For your safety, please learn Engrish before you tour Trohibistan.
Any place that has a name ends with stan is dangerous.
No Chinese. Vietnamese.
You are trohibit to enter from here. Tolice checktoint ahead.
Stan was under the influence of alcohol when he put up this sign…
Apparently the Super Famicom was called SNES in Trohibitstan as well.
Trohibitstan…is that anywhere near Elbonia?
Not very nice.
i understand, english, engrish and typonese..but i have no clue how to read this
It’s funny, but the sign was probably assembled by someone with no knowledge of English, following directions from the boss.
Before long, we’ll have hilarious Western attempts at writing Chinese signs. 風水輪流轉.
Just when you have trouble remembering all these “Stans”…
“This [lace dangerou snes strictly Trohibit stan.”
Who would’ve thought that the Super Nintendo could be so dangerou?
Where’s Borat when you need him?