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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Engrish.com - Because of Monkeys
posted on 15 Nov 2010 in Chinglish
The 12 Engrish commandments…
Photo from a private school in
Taiwan for their ‘pastoral area’.
Originally posted 2004.8.23
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“Do not follow the instruction on using these facility.” ??? You ask and I obey oh masterful engrish sign. I am off to get naked, misbehave, litter, swim, take a shower, fish, hang my whites to dry, be tight (whatever the heck that is supposed to mean), scream, pick flowers, step on the grass, break your urinals to bits, bring in guns and knives for all of the students, put up bulletins all over the building, drive my car through the wall, and ride my bike through the halls. Anything else I shouldn’t obey?
Not follow the instructions?! but I have to!
Do not litter the trash around, and avoid unbehaviours
I’m glad I read through the whole list before I started obeying them!
Of course you should put up bulletins but I think the rule that you must disobey also anticipates the unbehavior of using spray paint.
Where I come from “to be tight” is to be in a thoroughly drunken state.
Wow, Kangqiao bilingual school. I guess, Chinese and Engrish.
1. Don not be unbehaviours – so I have to do something.
2. Don not liter the trash – because trash here is clean and precious
5. Do not tight here – must spend a lot of money
11. Do not follow the instruction on… – Are you telling me, I just wasted 5 minutes reading stupid rules that I don’t need to follow?!!!!
Well, it says following things are “perhibited”. So it’s a double negative – f.x. you should *not not* walk around naked. And not not follow instructions :). But what the heck are “other school limited items” and why are they “perhibited”?
Be-Naked. It’s the Unbehavior.
You have been found not guilty of not breaking rule 11.
At last. A totally redundant set of instructions.
Oh, hell! What am I going to do with my dangerous stuff? Like this roll of caps from my Roy Rogers cap pistol I’ve had since I was six?
Muddah, faddah, kindly disregard this lettuh!
mom!mom! i have to fertilize the flowers!! i didnt go at home
Do not be-naked, and be tight here. Those are the noisy unbehavior.
This reminds me of those trick quizzes often given to school children to test whether they read instructions. The instructions say “read through the entire list before answering any of the questions,” and then the last item on the list says “do not answer any of the above questions.” In this case, if you don’t read through the entire list you don’t realize that following the instructions is prohibited.
If one of the rules is to not follow the rules, then even the rebels will be following the rules! Mwahaha!
“I’m sorry sir, but I’m going to have to write you a ticket.”
“What? What for?”
“You broke Rule 11.”
“But that’s ridiculous! I didn’t follow a single instrnction, just like the rule says!”
“Yes sir, that’s right. By failing to follow instrnctions, you obeyed Rule 11. Which is clearly a violation of Rule 11. You also violated the other 11 rules, so I’m going to have to write you tickets for those as well…”
Do not tight? Loose women welcome!
Sign writers, do not be-stupid.
Look! This sign is in a bilingual school in Taiwan.
Does this mean they teach their students Chinglish and Chinese (yep, it’s ‘bilingual’)? as well as NOT following instructions on using facilities?
I hope all tax laws have the same provision as “Rule 11”
Kangchiao is a super-expensive, super-snob bilingual private school ~ they are so exclusive that they have even developed their own dialect of Chinglish!
Do not follow the instruction on using these facility? But if I follow that instruction, I’m not following the instructions. But THAT means that I AM following the instructions.But *THAT* means that I’m not! But….
Error! Error! Please explain…. (necklace glows, freezes in place.)
That’s almost it. If one of the instructions is to not follow instructions, then it negates itself. That is, ignoring the other instructions is still following the one instruction, which breaks that instruction itself. It creates a logical loop similar to “I am lying.”
“Do not bring dangerous stuff.” I love the simplicity of that! We should adopt that.
“Other school regulations…” Does that mean that any school regulations and limitations other than the ones on that sign are prohibited?
“Do not tight here.” I *really* want to know what the hell that means.
““Do not tight here.” I *really* want to know what the hell that means.”
Translation: Hand the cash over, laowai.”
“Do not tight here”= Don’t disturb public order. Like picking up a fight or something.
I am unbehavior while I’m typing this 🙂 …………….
Being naked – the Unbehavior!™
I think that there had been kung fu tighting going on. And the premise had started to run out of spandex.
You should have told me about Rule #11 before I broke the other facility.
I take it smorking’s allowed?
I get most of them but,
Do not tight here.
i know there’s a song in this one… somwhere’s, I’m finding it hard to think strait after reading it tho!
#11 is a paradox. If you don’t follow the instructions, then you’re following instruction #11 in which case you would, in fact, be breaking rule #11 and therefore would be obeying #11 and, well.. you see where I’m going?
I wonder why they had to specifically call out being-naked as an unbehavior, and put it at the top of the list where everyone would see it! Did they have a problem with people being-naked in their Pastrol Education Area before they put up this sign?