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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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With a DIY bubble-maker for that prior warm bubbling feeling….
The championship poop bag just got upgraded ! Now with extra storage capacity and built-in flushing device!
Jump in, zip down and poop up!
Yoga with brown trouts.
“Oh, that? It’s a Baby Ruth…! Come on in…! It’s okay!”
Order now and get two ‘diarrhoea’ T-shirts for free!
“That’s a Party Pooper for sure!” đŸ˜€
Tired of football and tennis? Looking for an exciting new hobby? Why not try poop diving! Develop remarkable breath holding ability! Take on a healthy brown glow! Catch exotic diseases! This Poop Pool is the ideal starting point for your new past time, and allows you to use your own poop and dive in the comfort of your own home. Want more from life? Take a dive in a dump and a splash in a slash! Experience the excitement of excrement with Poop up Pool.*
*Poop not included.
I think if there was a 122cm poop up in my pool I would call Guiness World Records.
It’s all about that which floats!
Get the flatulent jaccuzzi add-on for only $99!
A septic system and summer fun all in one!
An anally retentive folding pool.
So, no more swimming in the toilet.
Poop up the volume!
Our water is made with a special ingredients that catch those little nuggest as they slip out, bringing them to the surface for careful extraction.
Poop catching net not incuded.
If you get in fifteen minutes after you eat you’ll get a cramp, if you wait an hour, you’ll get a crap.
By the makers of the scat powered kiddy car
A long-time Brazilian favorite, now made available to you!
An “As seen on TV” label would have made this one really shine.
Most companies try to advertise that they’re number one… this one advertises that it’s product is number two…
Welcome to our L. Please note there is no… well, was no… ah screw it.
I’ve been looking at this post all day and I just keep thinking:
“It’s probably IKEA, what do you expect?”
ok who pooped the question?
Yes, Number Two with a bullet (shaped suppository) !
Just the thing for your next “release party”!
De-stress in it while aromatherapy works on you…
I’m going to Roome to see the Poope.
“Look, Mom! I made a mud pie!”
its pooptastic come poop on in
You have died of dysentery
122cm? That’s a pretty big poop…………