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I tried listening with one ear and nearly committed suicide.
Introducing the biPod, the music player for bipolar people.
Is music telling you how confused you are at this time of your life?
I have a love-hate relationship with music…
With tunes like Stairway to Heaven and The Road to Hell !
Live without music is an error.
With music too.
— Nietzsche —
Why does only one breast get headphones?
The 101 Strings Play Pantera album always leaves me feeling like that.
Jung might have something ti say about that.
You hear the music. I hear the voices.
It’s true that music broadens your horizons… didn’t expect to stretch it so much, though!!!
Hey, Music!!! Stop messin’ this kid up!!!
ok who loaded that ipod with Justin Bieber and lady gaga?
I would hope you can hear the music,since you’re playing it so loud we can hear it from here.
@jjhit. Hahahaha. I hate to tell you this mate, but you are seriously warped.:)
The music may be OK. But the slogan sounds like verbal diarrhorea.
Music loves me, music loves me not. Music loves me, music loves me not…
Oh, he’s probably just listening to grunge.
Subliminal messages are getting a little more obvious these days.
Music led me on then dumped me.
Life is beautiful, but yours is not.
I love mucis.
Life is only beautiful when it’s meaningless. Like holiday
Life is only beautiful when it’s meaningless.
Music giveth. And music taketh away.
Ah, fans of the Cure are always the same.
Life is beautiful, Life is meaningless.
Life is pretty meaningless!
Life can be meaningless and yet beautiful, if you listen to music….
T-shirt designed by EMODesign@TokioHotel.
Damn t-shirts and their mixed messages…
Ok, who left the emo in charge of the Apple merchandising?
U2 huh…
“Music For Emo Kids”-Give it to those you despise.
CAution: Ipod may cause suicide, use with parental supervion only
The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Music tells me my life is meaningless; therefore it is ugly, yet it is still beautiful.
It must be some pretty heavy Emo music, eh? “I hate myself and I want to die.”
“The album, ‘My life sucks’ with the hit single ‘Let’s just drop a toaster in the tub’ totally changed my life…. I moved to a better place…”
Well, that’s certainly quite profound for a children’s shirt…
just don’t listen the “You’re the meaningless human” album much and everything will be ok
It’s like “I want a new hairstyle but I don’t want to cut my hair…” Now what? Tell me about mixed feelings… xxD
Schizoid Personality Type, subcategory: music.
Guessing you’ve been listening to Radiohead. Well, don’t worry boy, someday it’ll click for you. Everybody hates Radiohead after 1 listen and loves them after 10 listens.