Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Disclaimer: some treasure may have been acquired from enemies
posted on 28 Oct 2010 in Chinglish
When friends are unobtainable, continue gathering treasure…
Photo courtesy of Nicolas Michelon.
Found in Beijing, China.
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We’ll give with one hand and take with the other.
Works for Donald Trump…
Hey, quit looking for the treasure under this sign! It ain’t here.
Go out there in the world to make friends and stop believing crappy signs!
The Chinese are beginning to embrace the Robin Hood philosophy…
A violent armed robber was released without charge today after pleading not guilty to a string of bloody crimes perpetrated across the city over the last 12 months. His defence claimed that he had ‘…a perfectly valid excuse for the 57 violent armed robberies. To wit, he was merely gathering all the treasure in order to make friends in the world.’ This, combined with ‘the issue of his difficult childhood and lack of breastfeeding as an infant’ resulted in the immediate dismissal of all charges against him, and the welcoming of the man as a friend into the chamber itself.… Read more »
* Oh, I’m sorry, it’s a banner. My thirst for gold got me carried away to believe it’s a sign of fortune and fame…….:D
Ok, I collected the treasure and made friends.
Where’s the portal to the next level?
Tony Montana: In this country, first you get the treasure. You get the treasure, then you get the friends.
Be sure to report friends you have made on Form 1040-F Schedule B.
You can get much more friends with a kind word and a treasure than you can with a kind word alone.
The characters under this banner are not made of real gold. Please don’t gather them as treasure.
@Dr. Lex: The characters under the banner look like they might be peeing on the wall.
Friends in the world are true treasures.
True friendships are genuine pleasures.
But for empty meaningless shallow fun,
Call Grace at 888-913-8961
Can’t by me friends.
That’s what the Brits did and they have all the treasures stored in the British Museum. Now they have lots of friends around the world greeting them with suicide bombers.
typos for company: treasure should be “trash”
OK, I’m gonna start with those golden chinese words under the banner!
What friends? Who needs them if I have all these treasures!
A true friend is one, whom having been bought, stays bought.
If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends. (Anon)
All the cadres and the Red Guards gather under the banner to chant the slogans of the revolution and recite the words of our dear and illustrious leader.
“A frog in a pond has no concept of the ocean”
Why just be greedy for posessions? Own everyone as well!
watch out for king midas…
@ “A frog in a pond has no concept of the ocean”
A frog in a Poop Up Pool has no time for dialectical philosophy.
That strategy worked real well for the Spanish, not so much for the Aztecs.
All your treasure are belong to us.
This is what I call “deep shift”
MMO gaming: China’s next big socialist revolution!
Alternative translation:
Win lottery, expect gold-diggers.
If you have friends treasure them, if you don’t, buy them with treasure.
♫♪ Shall we gather all the treasure, ♪♫
♪♫ All the treasure in the world. ♫♪
It would be even better if you can gather treasure and friends OUT of this world!
what he says: “I’ll treasure your friendship.”
what he means:”I’ll trade you my friendship for some of your treasure.”
Succinct statement of U.S. foreign policy.
it is nice to make friends, but it is nicer to make friends who has treasure to give you.
This place biggest cookie fortune of world! Now with golden lotto characters.
Gather ALL the treasure!