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Be careful where you step.
Life is what happens in between the times you pee.
…dare I ask where the women are?
There’s something golden in the showers.
You’re in to the left, you’re in to the right…..
Why the smile on you face
Yer In trouble now..
You’re in, I’m in, everybody’s in …. between!
Green light means “go”.
Waiter… there’s men in my urine!
Something you do when you drink and drink singlemindedly.
Can’t get rid of these annoying men clinging between your urine? Now, you can say good-bye once and for all, when you use the MEN-FLOSS!!!
(sold in pharmacies and selected hardware stores)
So let me get this straight…there is a special room where men go in between the times they are taking a wizz? NOW I’ve got it! It’s a bar!
They are probably the customers of the “Anyway, I want all-I-can-drink” bar from yesterday…:
– “Hey, Pete, why you jumpin’ n’ crossin’ your legs buddy?”
– “No time to go to the bathroom, gots meeself only 90′ to drink”
– “OK, but I gotta tell ya, there’s a looooong line at the bathroom”
Few rounds of beer later… sign explained 😉
Sign found at the “Anyway, I want to pee” facility in Huashan Mountain
The sign at the “Incontinents Anonymous” meeting room
They put this sign up after they decided to outsource the janitorial services…
I’d rather be between the pee than in the $#!+
Anyone has any pee left after climbing Huashan mountain deserves a special room
Read between the lines.
The yellow lines.
This must be for the peons.
Watch out for the “wide stance”.
Good slogan for the “All you can drink” place.
So it’s ? Or how does this work anyway?
Oh, gosh! Please disregard my previous post.
So do I get a man and then I urinate and then get another man? How does this work anyway? What if I’m not gay? Or if I am gay, is this reserved for senators from Idaho? Please splain me.
(Note to all: is there a way to change or delete what I’ve already posted?)
Yeah, I often get pissed, but right now, I am sober.
Sounds like you’ll have plenty of men there any minute, all sloshing around in urine together. You should get together and work out a way to undo dodgy posts…like this one…
It’s the shower cabin with ‘water’ naturally heated to body temperature.
China’s response to the popularity of: Girls Gone Wild.
Men between Urine ? Sounds like a Woody Allen movie.
There must be beer behind this door.
i’m glad i’m a man between women, not urine.
Not between urine. Just between s#itty jobs.
the latest japanese game show
Don’t cross the streams!
And so, the legendary discipline of Jarate was born.
Graffiti found over Chinese urinal, starting at eye level, and going higher and higher to the ceiling (Here, top-down equates to bottom-up at the actual urinal, so imagine you’re going up as you read down):
Look up!
Look up again!
Look up some more!
Look up one more time
Hey, be careful, you’re peeing on your shoes!
Sounds like a support group
What do men do between urinating?
@emily: Think about urinating.
sounds like a warning to me
Isn’t it the other way around?
Get Passed Coffee and Aromatic Water here. Sorry, We’re out of Desktop Bacteria.