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Not just another drink in a special glass…
posted on 13 Sep 2010 in Menus
Ahhh, the smell of high gas pressure in special glass…
Photo courtesy of Andy Nelson.
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I thought the smell of high gas pressure is the conclusive evidence of beans…
(Sorry Kotobuki)
Lemon peel and flatulunce a heady combination.
I think we need to have a talk with the lemon. It’s spending a lot of time alone in it’s room.
That’s a long description to say that the KOTOBUKI Highball is nothing but a fart in a bottle.
A 10-year-old high pressure gas and an onanistic fruit in a special glass… that’s not a highball, that’s a cannonball ! I say this is a conclusive evidence this bar is up to something!
“What is it with restaurants nowadays, they have to put a friggin’ lemon in everything…!”
After 10 years of intensive research, the Yamazaki Institute has amassed conclusive evidence of delicious.
Well, this explains the Aromatic Water…
Conclusive evidence somebody has has one highball too many…!
is that special glass from the short bus window?
Mmmm… evidence of delicious!
To enjoy the smell of high pressure gas, wouldn’t it be easier to just put my head in the oven? No special glass needed.
If they need to use conclusive evidence to convince me it’s delicious I’m pretty sure I don’t want to drink it.
I asked for a drink, not a weather report!
Hey, Isoroku, is this a bar or a frickin’ men’s room?
Kotobuki lowball: ¥400
Yamazaki (1 year)
Artificial water soda
Lemon essence
Standard glass
Inconclusive evidence of delicious
Now, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, to sum up. First we have the lemon that plays with itself, then the natural water from the urinal, and finally the distinct odor of a tremendous fart. I think you will find this to be conclusive evidence that my client is innocent, uh, I mean delicious. That IS what I mean, right? Thank you.
No highball for me, thanks. They give me gas.
♪ Oh listen to the lemon moaning, the rumble and roar
That’s no hobo passing gas, it’s the Kotobuki Cannonball ♪
Blame the gas from the oil fields in Canada Club. The Irish Tullamore Dew is actually from the urinals downstairs.
I’ve only got ¥600… can you do something less convincing?
That’s “Canadian Club” by the way. Doesn’t need lemon or a special glass (although I do have one). And the water is optional. But if you do, not too much or you’ll kill the drink.
Also, an American favourite during Prohibition ! http://www.canadianclubwhisky.com/prohibition/
This sign is conclusive evidence of English as a second language.
Kotobuki Highball: ¥800
Gut-bustingly Hilarious Engrish: Priceless
the evidence is inadmissible.
Elementary, my dear Yamazaki. Only something as delicious as the autonomous lemon peel could provoke an expelling of such headstrong colorectal noises as those you and I are experiencing.
“…Is a conclusive evidence of delicious”? I love that! I’m going to start using that phrase everywhere, most especially wherever I smell a high gas pressure.
But honey, the smell of high gas pressure is a conclusive evidence of delicious! You should take it as a compliment that I do that at the dinner table!
Lemon fart water? The next celebrity trend!