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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Right next to Touch and Dress
posted on 27 Jul 2010 in Buildings
Come in and let our tailors man touch you…
Photo courtesy of AJP.
Found in Gosen City, Niigata Japan.
“The store which offers the place which people and a man touch and suit”
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Don’t be fooled. It’s full of sheep.
How much just to touch your place?
I think Cupid went just a little too far on this “people and a man touch in a public place” sort of thing….. Unless by people they meant women. If so, I’m there, Cupid! Bring it on!
The accurate leg measuring was a nice touch. I was really touched…
First the touch, then the suit. Sounds like my last workplace.
Are you sure this wasn’t taken in New Zealand.
The touching of our people will suit you.
And by suit they mean “sexual harassment” suit.
Uh oh-bad touch!
They measure one side, move it over, and measure the other side. That’s how they do it.
located in the tama plaza
Mom always warned me for strange men touching me..
You would think that once the slogan got that long and stupid that they would have double-checked it with a translator other than babelfish before investing the time, money, and effort to accommodate it up there.
You’d have thunk, Carlos! But then, what would become of Engrish.com?
Make it “people and a woman touch” and that will “suit” me fine!
It puts on the lotion and then it will be allowed to touch the suit.
Obviously they pay the signwriter by the job not the letter.
Just another empty suit.
Is this place owned by Dipper Dan?
This shop has touched my heart! Now… the suit!
they feel you..in more ways than one
Suit you sir! Ooh.
Help, the tailor is touching my special place!
“People and a Man” wasn’t that a TV show with Freddie Prinze?
Wait that was “Chico and the Man” never mind.
People and a man…and lots of sheep???
Oh HERE”S the gay bar…
– Officer! A man and a people tried to touch me!