Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Horld-class cleaning!
Hovse wife of the horld swear by it!
Photo courtesy of Ed Sherman.
Packaging for “Super Magic” sponges.
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© 1999 - 2025 Engrish.com. All rights reserved.
Hithout match!
“I knew that”
Wow! I am going to buy a refngerator, washing hsachine for my new hovse, my wife can clean them with the plastic silk sponge.
Hithout? Em… must be a typo, I think it means that my wife and I can have a hit out without any scar.
Joy to the Horld!
Do not fall out of favour with the hovse wife of the horld!
Wait, are we still talking about edible bath goods?
Plastic silk is a high-tech material indeed. It is manufactured by tiny alumi-num robotic caterpillars.
Does the hovse wife say nay.
So, you guarantee this won’t scar my alumi-num plastic refngerator? If it does, my hovse wife will kill me.
Who says cleaning while drunk is danger-ous?
The wife of the horid. Funny spelling with only one “r”.
It’s like the guy who wrote it was drinking a bottle of absynth as he wrote.
I’d like to buy an “H”.
And ndorsing simba
Good job it’s hithout scar; I wouldn’t have anythign else anywhere near my refngerator.
The hovse wife can crean all day with the specii ingredient of plastic silk.
But wood and fabric products hardly.
hookt onn fonixx reelee werkt fore mee
The Desperate Hovsewives of Horld, approve.
Honey! The ref’n gerator is on the fritz, again!
Refngerators of the horld, uniie!
Horlds ahead of their previous offering.
Product bhings you happy with jhoy!
Product bhings you happy with jhoy!
Stainless and glass products easily…Easily what? Easily clean? Easily wash?! Oh God, please don’t leave me in suspense! I can’t take it!
Kirr yourself
The cations are what sells the product. Positively charged ions are specii for the horld!
Sthop making fun of my lithp!
I’ll take two!
The people who wrote this should burn whatever resources they used to translate their message.
Well I’m ready to give it hurl.
Thls happeris wlien you OCR the badiy pnnted text
somebody messing with the keyboard circut
Hovse wifes othe horld, untie! Or get hithout scar outta here!
Cations are too complicated
specii cat ions?
Also suitable for hathing hsachine