Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Where to leave the wheels when you’re having a trim at Pooo!
‘Look ma! No hands!’
The world is my urinal… best not wear sandals.
Why do you suppose it costs 3 times as much to park you pee between 2000 and 0600H?
Park here, Get a car wash FREE.
Just over the wall is the poo park for a little privacy.
I hear they have a swimming pool.
… found at the mouth of the Yellow River…
An Indian daily drank a gallon of tea,
Found out that to pee was not free,
So while trying to not pay,
He held it in all the day,
And died in his own teepee.
If your car is yellow and you are angry read the sign.
If I was into water sports I’d be the happiest person in the world right now.
guy only! ladies around the corner in the piddle park
Beijing’s #1 attraction.
This sounds like another colorful euphemism for the urinal – as in, “I gotta let little Willy play at the pee park.”
The Pee Park – we’re #1 in fun!
I wonder if this is a carry in carry out kind of park.
Pay as you go !
‘P’ as in Park.
NO! NOT PEE! ‘P’!!!
Right outside the Poo Palace.
Beware of slippery floor!
Urine for quite the experience.
My, how green the grass is!
At last! A park for the thing I do most often!
New at Disney for 2010!
Watch out for people weeing! Bring some backup clothes just in case you fell on a puddle of pee!
If it’s full, urine big trouble!
Sorry for the incontinence.
Pee for poo