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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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She has a certain glow about her.
I can’t wait to go to Tamaplaza. I haven’t been feeling myself lately…..
where is that place again?? i didnt get felt enough at the other place
If you don’t feel yourself, no one else will do it for you. Unless you visit the next shopping plaza along where they have a ‘special area’ for just those services.
Excuse me, could I feel the others as well?
And if you are caught doing it, we will arrest you.
So this is what the tiny grass is dreaming about.
With our easy wake up service, you can start gently – like caressing a rose petal.
Although this Tama is spelled 多摩 (meaning something like “Many Refined/Polished Things”), another spelling çƒ means “balls”.
Just another one of those things to make one go “Hmmmm….”
Strangest food court I’ve ever seen… all they had were cucumbers.
Go on! Have a grope!
…now doesn’t that feel good?
I don’t want anybody else.
When I think about you, I feel myself.
Sir, please do not take the sign literally. Now put that away.
If her name is *Sorry*, I sure must ‘repent’!
Feelings, nothing more than…. feelings.
*pssst* don’t shake her left hand
The sign at the exit is the same, except without the flowers, and it only says “come again soon.”
Don’t mind the hidden cameras.
Customer: Hey mister, WHY is my banana vibrating???
Greengrocer: (…….)
Well, that is a showstopper….
Oooh … Aaah …
It was a better choice than their first ad campaign: “Go f*** yourself at Tama Plaza”.
Been taking Ecstasy I see…
Mmmm! Smells like tuna fish in here.
there’s a sign in the dressing room: Slippery when wet…
I don’t need your instruction on when and where to feel myself, thank you.
oh oh oh me next!! please please please!!
She put her finger WHERE!?
They have a large do it yourself section.
What do you mean I can’t take my vibrator into the dressing room!!!
You want to put your what in my what?