Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Engrish brings you happy with joy
We’re on a skeleton crew…
posted on 26 Feb 2010 in Engrish from Other Countries
They’re not so bad once you get used to the smell…
Also check out the Adult Engrish of the Week!
Photo courtesy of Kris Young.
Found in Phnom Penh Cambodia.
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Zombies need not apply.
We’ve made a grave mistake…
Always look on the bright side of life (whistle, whistle, whistle…)!
“It’s a holiday in Cambodia, and you better dress in black!”
Miserable corpses waiting to be reunited with their miserable kins.
Helping the miserable corpses rest in peace since 1908
A dead serious business
I would have thought, that they were beyond help.
Rest in peace? Not our bag, baby.
The place to go when you need to apply for Brain Stamps.
Greatful Dead? Sorry, wrong attitude.
Call us when even death doesn’t put you out of your misery.
I’m sorry Mr. Smith, I’m afraid you’re better off dea—oh wait.
Preventing corpse suicide since 2003.
DOA? Call the CHC.
We fight for YOUR zombie rights.
A blood bank for vampires?
And you think your life sucks..
I guess in Cambodia “life’s a bi*ch and then you die and then you’re miserable.”
They train them to do the dance routine from ‘Thriller’…
Happy cadavers are not welcome here.
we’re helping, but there’s just no cheering them up
There’s just no helping some people.
Merry corpses can go elsewhere
…it’s in Les Mort Miserables
*Les Morts Miserables
Must be the people who drowned to become popular.
I wonder what they do with the remains of the day.
Got a miserable corpse? Bring it on down to CHC and we will fix them right on up!
Who can be creative when you are laughing as hard as I am. You all are sick, sick, sick. Oh! Is that me feeling comfortable about that??
Must be the people who thought drowning accidents would make them popular.
Pol Pot’s legacy lives on
aye aye captain….ohhhhhh who live in a pineapple under the sea???
Eating brains every day is a tough living y’know.
Because nobody likes a miserable corpse!
Seems like false advertising. I never known a corpse that wasn’t miserable.
I’m trying to get through to her but this witch won’t stop moaning! And whenever I try comforting this boomer, he pukes on me! This job sucks!
“Be sure to see our sister institution, which helps the annoyingly cheerful dead. Their motto: when the zombies start a’singin’, the axes we’ll be a’bringin'”
this sign should be outside every work place…
After working here for a day, having an interview with a vampire doesn’t sound so bad.
Thanks, but the Supreme Court justices don’t need any help.
Initially we tried to put them out of their misery, and you see where that’s gotten us.
To quote Monty Python “BRING OUT YOUR DEAD!”
Isn’t a little late to help the people?? and what is the point they are already dead????
“Hey cheer up. You’ve got a lot to live for. Oh… sorry. Sore subject.”
Suddenly, I’m beginning to think that Monty Python’s “Ministry of Silly Walks” wasn’t such a ridiculous idea.
I need to go there!
Now that’s a graveyard shift!