Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Oh the consequences of beans…
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Photo courtesy of Cosmo Cougar.
Found in a company cafe in Zhi Zhu, China.
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Curry with speedy consequenses.
No Noddy it said. “Bean Curd”. Curd! Curd! you idiot.
Beans, beans, the musical fruit
The more you eat, the more you regret ordering this particular meal on a date.
Child: But Mom! Think of the ramifications!
Mother: I’ll ram that fication down your throat if you don’t finish those beans!
The ramification is the artifactitious of the noodles themselves.
What not to order on a first date.
Shouldn’t that be FARTifactitious…?
To beechoak:
The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind …
The whiffs of your memory have long termed ramifications in my brains, Mr. Bean!
Mmmmm, it all seems so delicious, I just don’t know what to choose!
Hmmmmmm, bean ramification fart I just ripped.
The food is gone but the memory lingers…
To SF: Thanks for clearing that up for me…
Needless to say, I had the pot stickers that day. I’d still like to know what artifacticious is/or translated from!? I agree with beechoak… I think they left off the “f”.
I start making razberries but always wind up with dingleberries…
Francis Scott Key could have set it to music: “o’r the ramifications we strained were so gruntingly streaming…”
China’s contribution to greenhouse gases.
PFFFFTTT it wanst me it was the rice
Waiter! There’s a canopic jar in my soup! Oh I see – it’s artifacticious soup…
Artifactitious (adj) – attributes demonstrating that an object could not have been made by a human (see – artifactition) An extract from the New American Dictionary by G W Bush
Hmmm, Dr. Hawass, which one of these do you want???
Truth in advertising, finally.