When your hair is smiling, the whole world smiles with you!
15 years ago
That’s our story and we’re stickin. to it !
Like industrial-strenth gel !
15 years ago
“Once upon a time there was a little girl hair, but she was not a happy little girl hair. All the other little girl hairs would tease her, “You’ll never be a happy hair! NEVER! Nyah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha.” So the little hair went searching for someone who could make her happy. She traveled through the land of Coiffure de Salon where she met a handsome coiffeur, but he was only interested in little boy hairs. “Sorry, Sweatheart,” he said, “But you’re just not my type,” and he sent her on her way. [Okay, gang! Let’s do this as a progressive story. Would… Read more »
Ralph Hamilton
15 years ago
But then a disaster happened. The little girl contracted a strange malady. After many months of this illness, it started to affect her hair. Suddenly, one day, all her hair fell out,
It was truly a case of; “hair today gone tomorrow”.
15 years ago
Another take on this: Umm-liance Instead of saying “ummm…” or “uhhhh….” or “errrrrr…” like other peoples around the world when they’re trying to figure out what to say, the Japanese utter one of two words which, to my knowledge, NOBODY else in the world says in the midst of a brain-spaz. The first of them is “Ano – – ohhhh”. The second is “Ehhh – toh…” Maybe the shopkeeper wanted to express the concept of “alliance” but simply couldn’t figure for the life of them what to stick on the front. OK, ok…I can just hear you folks now. Chalk… Read more »
Satellite Heart
15 years ago
Come on, guys, there’s no sense in splitting hairs…
15 years ago
For the real story, we’re gonna have to get to the roots…
15 years ago
Nothing better for a bad hair day
15 years ago
Oh, those happy hair stories are ALWAYS annoying…
15 years ago
Can my story end in a mullet?
15 years ago
Oh no Lance! Not another shaggy dog story.
15 years ago
There are two different fonts used within the company name.
15 years ago
Is this Harry Potter’s publisher?
14 years ago
brings new meaning to the phrase “hows my hair”
14 years ago
I will make sure your hair story will have a happy ending.
hey, get your hands off my happy hair…
The brand name stands for “Annoying alliance”?
A stylish Mohican thanks.
Not another hairy story ?!!!
A story also known as the Braidy Bunch…
It was a misspelling for Analiance
When your hair is smiling, the whole world smiles with you!
That’s our story and we’re stickin. to it !
Like industrial-strenth gel !
“Once upon a time there was a little girl hair, but she was not a happy little girl hair. All the other little girl hairs would tease her, “You’ll never be a happy hair! NEVER! Nyah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha.” So the little hair went searching for someone who could make her happy. She traveled through the land of Coiffure de Salon where she met a handsome coiffeur, but he was only interested in little boy hairs. “Sorry, Sweatheart,” he said, “But you’re just not my type,” and he sent her on her way. [Okay, gang! Let’s do this as a progressive story. Would… Read more »
But then a disaster happened. The little girl contracted a strange malady. After many months of this illness, it started to affect her hair. Suddenly, one day, all her hair fell out,
It was truly a case of; “hair today gone tomorrow”.
Another take on this: Umm-liance Instead of saying “ummm…” or “uhhhh….” or “errrrrr…” like other peoples around the world when they’re trying to figure out what to say, the Japanese utter one of two words which, to my knowledge, NOBODY else in the world says in the midst of a brain-spaz. The first of them is “Ano – – ohhhh”. The second is “Ehhh – toh…” Maybe the shopkeeper wanted to express the concept of “alliance” but simply couldn’t figure for the life of them what to stick on the front. OK, ok…I can just hear you folks now. Chalk… Read more »
Come on, guys, there’s no sense in splitting hairs…
For the real story, we’re gonna have to get to the roots…
Nothing better for a bad hair day
Oh, those happy hair stories are ALWAYS annoying…
Can my story end in a mullet?
Oh no Lance! Not another shaggy dog story.
There are two different fonts used within the company name.
Is this Harry Potter’s publisher?
brings new meaning to the phrase “hows my hair”
I will make sure your hair story will have a happy ending.