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Sounds like the writer was a little “toasted” too.
We toast, therefore we are.
Let’s toast breakfast.
If breakfast is said.
It is bread.
We am breads.
Well eat.
The 3-slice toaster: for all your one-and-a-half sandwich needs.
Sounds like their eating straight into Hannibal Lectors hands.
Baby I’m-a toast you
Baby I’m-a knead you
You’re the only one I care enough
To eat for breakfast.
Are we not bread?
We are toast.
Someday in work day some one took we in packing designer and go to a editor for grammar them call “proof reading”
I can’t bear the sound of bread toasting. It’s inhumane.
It is the great sound? Damn noisy bread! Shut up already so I can eat you!
Eat we, bite we, call we picnic.
Yes, we toast. Then some thing become grainy and me is crusty when me loaf.
Ohhhhh, NOOOOO!!!
NOT the BASKET!!!!!
All of we REFUSE!
Eat me baby!
♫ ♪
Dreams, of gently toasted bread,
Jam, is what I’d like to spread.
And if you’re wondering what this song, is leading to,
I’d like to eat bread with you. I really think that we can eat some, girl.
♫ ♪
You know what they say: all toasters, toast toast!
The real question is “Is your toast buttered?”
When man eats bread, that’s not news. When breat eats man, that’s news.
Toast. It’s what’s for dinner.
Eat we? Drink it, perhaps (not that I do), but never carry it in a basket, and at least learn to spell it correctly.
I think this one will make a nice t-shirt.
Dear pesky plumbers…
You know what they say, all toasters have TERRIBLE english!
Sir, we understand that you have means for eat we.
But we do want to live. Please spare us.
Does bread scream when you put it in the toasteer?
What’s this “we” business you’re talking about?
In Soviet Russia, bread toasts YOU.
Oh great, emo bread…
When someone ” (we) wees in the basket” and the goes to “the garden for relax” this may be a picnic, but it is highly likely that he is a crazy deranged gate crasher that has not had a shower in afew weeks and talks in tongues…poor family having their picnic and someone comes up and urinates all over their freshly cut sandwiches…there should be a sign saying “no the crazy people or the madness permitted” as they so often do…
Peanutbutter jelly time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This reminds me of Ayn Rand’s novella “Anthem”.
Who takes toast on a picnic anyway? Chicken, champagne, strawberries, yes, but toast?
I really doubt they know what a picnic and breakfast or else, they wouldn’t be that happy <_<
The Brave Little Toaster meets the Brave Little Toast.
It hides the jam or butter or else it gets eaten by the toast again!
Please note: “…for MOST people”. Some may not be able to benefit from the nutrition of bread, apparently. Perhaps they are refering to allergics.
Hold we
Thrill we
Kiss we
Kill we
Is not also good for grilling fish. Do not be useful in the bathtub.
We are breads. Resistance is futile.
These communist pamphlets get weirder every year…
I’m not weeing in a basket no matter what the toast says.
Excuse me? Who took a wee in the basket?
That is so sad! The breads are all happy and excited because they get to ride in the nice basket and go to the garden to relax. They have no idea what some one has planned for them…
Someone’s been sprinkling crack on their morning toast.
I must politely demand that this be made into a T-shit.
Whoopee! We’re free, we’re free! Boy, does it feel good to be outta that toaster, it was getting way too hot in there…Hey! Wh-what are you doing?! Put us down! What is that yellow stuff you’re spreading us with?! Hey, what do you think you’re–*CRUNCH!*–AAAAAAAGH!!!!
Breads. We like the sound of that.
they call it a “picnic”
we call it “crunchy deathtime”
i hear singing..”we are the breads…dont burn ussss”
better is nothing than fresh toast people we eat while some scream