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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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“You may say I’m a dreamer,
But I’m a well-mannered one …”
if you stare into his eyes he can see your soul O_O
I once wasn’t self-restraint and I ended up imagining that I didn’t hold the door for an old lady.
May I remind you that Hullabaloo will not be tolarated.
“Gee! Officer Android. What big eyes you have.”
‘All the better to see you with.’
Time in China did mold my imagination.
Just like what happens to old bread.
You shouldn’t be out giving tours when you’ve just had your pupils dilated.
The only good tourist is a self-restrained tourist.
Your no restraint wil disapproval and you’ll be at the bottom of a cellar!
I’d like to take a tour of my imagination, but my thoughts are running wild.
Be double-plus good; Big-eyed Brother is watching you.
Not a comment on the engrish, but I note that big stone Buddha in the middle panel is lying on his side, smiling at me, with a stall covering his midsection, and then the last panel is a tower.
The Chinese need to work on not being so heavy handed with their foreshadowing.
Also: Is he killing that woman in the last panel? It looks like he’s running at her from behind, with a giant bludgeon raised behind his back.
Good manners are violent in China!
Watch yourself-I think that guy is taking names.
Stop that tourist! He’s letting his imagination run away with him!
Whew, my imagination WAS running wild…
No wonder tourism is dead in China: all the tourists are imaginary!
Please be self-restraint, or else you may wind up police-restraint.
Good tourists please to use the self-service restraints provided. 🙂
A little self-restraint is always advisable around the Emperor’s Harem… 😉
In Soviet Russia, the imagination moulded the tourists… 🙂
(If it hadn’t, could ye imagine the murder record of the average InTourist guide?… 😮 )
The pictures may be the best part.
Self-restraint: the key to letting your imagination soar.
(singing) I always feel like
that guy is watching me…
Tell me, is it just a dream?
I always feel like
that guy is watching me…
and I have no privacy!
……ok that guy gives me the creeps :S
Oh sure, he looks friendly enough now (albeit in a slightly manic way) … but you really don’t want to find out what happens if your name ends up in the folder of his!
So no dirty fantasizing then?
And you be a good policeman!
Sorry to post again, but if you look at the last picture it kind of looks like a guy wielding a scythe, about to kill the other person o_o
No, no need to remind me … perhaps a need to restraint my unruly imagination ….
Take 2:
No, no need to remind me. Perhaps a need to explain … and perhaps a need for you to lay off the Dexedrine ….
State-run brainwashing has never looked so fun!
“I am waaaaaatching you-oooooooooooou!!”
Try telling that to a tourist with a bomb strapped to his chest!
why do i have a feeling drugs are legal in this town?
Imaginaaaaaaaaation. Imaginaaaaaaaaation land.