Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Hodies for the nudist camp.
Head held high; balls hanging low. I feel good today!
I love the Japanese strip clubs… Such charming and innocent-looking advertisements.
Are you perhaps searching for an idol?
Oh yeah. Virgins, volcano, stone altar… sign me up for the whole package.
I think I know who has been stealing my Prozac.
When it is stripped off you find the Diarrhea T-shirt underneath. The outside is OK, it’s the inside the problem.
Baring your soul should not involve removal of skin. Just my opinion.
I usually feel good every day when I strip it off!
What a fantastic feeling for a new reality show: Naked American Idol!
I’m new to this site… and amazed, shocked, etc. Is this all for real?? I would be so gratefull if any person could shed some light on how these texts come to be. If you input bogus text into google translate en choose ANY LANGUAGE to ENGLISH chances are it would be better that this.
Wearing this sweatshirt will strip your children of their dignity.
I have a bad feeling about this.
Jev. Those devious little Asians are subverting the language. Eventually they will achieve a spoken English, that even us native speakers of the language, will not be able to understand.
It is all part of the master plan of world domination.
Err. Sorry there. I got a bit carried away for a second.
sings: Oh this is one fine day to be nude, yeah this is one fine day to be nude…
Eventually, Ralph ? That day is here, my friend.
Most so-called English teachers are teaching such a poor version of it that, even as a first language, it should be only be passable as a second !
Spelling, grammar, punctuation and pronunciation are all out the window as they won’t correct or fail for fear of offending.
These aren’t a joke. Having lived in Asia several years of my life, encountering stuff like what you’ve seen on this site is basically a daily occurrence.
Lots of us who have…or even haven’t…lived in Asia simply see it as nostalgic humor, with no malicious or hateful intent present. There have been visitors here who have accused the site and its readership of being racist. Racial condescension is not the intention behind this website, and I for one hope you didn’t interpret it that way.
The person here had stated before:
How come I don’t have any “EVERYDAY GOOD FEELING” when I see myself stripped off, in a mirror?
Actually, the best one I have ever seen, was on a BBQ apron that a friend’s wife was wearing. (She was Japanese)
It had on it:, a picture of two adorable kittens.
With the caption: I am the finest pussy in the cathouse. (Unquote)
Eventually some killjoy told her what it meant, and she took it off.
Cathouse/cattery anyone.
I’m Super! Thanks for asking!
All things considered, I couldn’t be better I must say!
I’m feeling super! No! Nothing bugs me!
Everything is super when your felling very…
Don’t you think I look cute in this hat?
Tsuyoshi Kusanagi’s designing a line of clothing?
On the flip side, you gotta wonder what some of those popular Kanji tattoos REALLY say. “Stupid White Guy” is among my candidates.
@Ralph, @pete and @Jev
Just because the Chinese and Japanese use the language badly doesn’t warrant for generalizing that Asians are subverting the English language..I am from India and i could easily say that Indians have a far superior command of English… i too do love this site and just trying to put things in a right perceptive
@Ralph Hamilton – Not only do I want that apron, I would wear it with pride! 😉 lol.
Agreed, mRn. My comment was in regard to the poor quality of today’s English education in supposed English-speaking countries. The causes of the lowered standards are debatable but the results are not.
Or the tattoo in the small of her back which proclaims,
” Beef and Broccoli “
I think there comes a time in every person’s life when they must ask themselves: “Who isn’t the person whom it is stripped off any more the outside, either?”.
Superior! Let’s the happiness feelings! A your perhaps for searching the idiot?
i naked..i use rest room..left mess
Is not there the thing left behind of a blacksheep?