Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Tight Dependence Engrish.
With his receding hairline, looks like a pom-pom…
posted on 12 Dec 2009 in Clothing
But not as disturbing as him getting my mom that nose-ring…
Photo courtesy of Rebecca Lieb.
Sweater found in Japan.
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Step mother gets tomahawk smacks father in head.
What horizontal or vertical
Well at least Grandpa stopped #$%^in’ the spaceshuttle.
At least it didn’t say “Stepfather gets REVERSE mohawk.”
‘Coz, like, that’d replace the word “Silly” in Webster’s.
Midlife crisis hits with full force…
…but if he sets one foot back on the tribal reservation, they’ll be waiting.
I pitty the fool!
not exactly the preferred method of bonding with the stepkids…
Mommy’s having second thoughts about her new husband.
Drawbacks to being a “cougar.”
…and it made Mommy feel sooo young again!
… and Stepfather wonders why he still hasn’t met the in-laws!
Stepmother gets Botox
That sweatshirt was a close shave too I’ll bet.
But we’re not gonna tell you where
…and the kids never show their faces in school again.
In this case “mohawk” is code for “crappy sweater.”
…But his ancestors are Shawnee. Outrageous!
Let’s hope this doesn’t get turned into a sitcom.
That’s what happens when you pass out on the couch.
Sigh… Stepfather needs to learn that he will never be cool, even with a mohawk.
And the ugly step-sister was quite relieved to see the stares go somewhere else.
Thus, any future attempts at getting the kids to take him seriously are subsequently defeated.
Stepfather gets mohawk.
Stepfather is in band.
Stepfather never pays bills.
Stepfather disappears for weeks on end.
Mother soon breaks up with stepfather.
He must have gotten hit by those Mohawk grenades from World of Warcraft.
Stepfather pity the fool
Grandmother gets a boobjob!
Hanging with my maternal father every other weekend is boring…but my step father is totally cool!
you got a mohawk ? i got a shawnee
I’ll take Indie Band Names for $600
Stepkids find electric razor.
Yeah? Well.while stepdad is off at the barbershop, Mom is doin the Cherokee Strip and gets all kinds of various ethnic attention.
I’ve always wondered who comes up with the slogans for these Engrish t-shits, now I know that its the same guys who write the headlines for ‘The Onion’!
Let’s all dancing to Rock’n Roll. Watch his step.
… film at eleven.
I Pity the T-shirt!