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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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What kind of business hotel?
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That flavor…I can’t quite put my finger on it…
He squeezes the melons freshly each morning.
Even though she’s all grown up and married now, Violet Beauregarde was never quite the same after her visit to the Chocolate Factory.
Another great service from the Erection Development Organization.
The speed of the Revolving Restaurant is forcing My Wife’s Juice out of her!
Sounds like a revolting restaurant to me too.
Hmmm, it tastes like chicken…
…but it smells like fish.
The reputation of this restaurant is built on this juice
She’s one mother of a hostess…
There’s always a line at the bar…
Market price is the same as the cost of a pack of batteries.
It all revolves around a love triangle which takes place in a business hotel…
There once was a waiter named Bruce,
Who served up his wife’s special juice,
But when he essayed,
To add lemonade,
He made a brew that would poison a Moose.
What exactly is revolving here?
Notice that the sign has stains on it.
When Jack LaLanne attacks….
Her hit “Queen of Hearts”
“I’ll have the Baby Maker on the rocks, please.”
Isn’t she sweet!
This beats Nelly’s Pimp Juice.
Just the way I like it!
This is hilarious in Engrish. It’s also hilarious if you read Chinese but don’t know it well enough to get the full context.
The first 2 characters “Tai4 Tai4” really ARE the Mandarin title for “Mrs.” or “Wife”. The third character (believe the pronunciation is “Zhi3”) in Chinese DOES mean “Juice”.
(But typically means a soup or a broth in Japanese…it’s “Shiru” as in “Miso shiru”, i.e., Miso soup.)
So…maybe a translation is “Mrs. Juice”? Which can lead to a whole ‘nother thread of captions on its own!
In that case I think I’ll pass on Mr. Sausage.
That’s Risky Business Hotel, mister.
Huh…guess his wife must be Cytherea.
He made it in the Lose The Liquid Room.
The color of the juice must be bitch.
If anyone is curious what this “his wife juice” is really supposed to be, the Chinese on the sign means “tartare sauce.” This is a hilarious mistranslation!
And for dessert we have ‘her husband cleam’.
Haha.. how much does his wife’s juice cost??
Pete, it’s the transliteration of Tartar (Taitai) Sauce. Pretty darned funny indeed.
OMG! Tai Tai Zhi (“Wife Juice”) means “Tartar Sauce”????
I’m speechless at how freakin’ funny that is.
What’s the Chinese for “COCKTAIL Sauce”???
I LOVE this website.
MMMMMM! I love tampon tea.
Well he did always say she was such a ‘Strain’ on him.
I’ll have the Cum on Ilene special
Sister in law is not bad either
Nothing that lonely travelling businessmen wouldn’t love. What a good hotel 😀
That sounds squirt-tastic.
Pete, I’m not sure, because I haven’t seen cocktail sauce here in Taiwan. BUT….for a drink, cocktail is 雞尾酒, which translates literally as chicken tail alcohol. I’ll have to check the supermarkets to see if anyone does sell cocktail sauce and what they call it. 🙂
100% freshly squirted concentrate
He toast
i don’t wanna know what they stir it with — anyway, put a little green umbrella on mine, please.
yukk !!!
Nobody wants to buy “Fish Oil” and that’s the best they can come up with.
First, I thought “Tai Tai Zhi” meant the name of the restaurant, then
one of the meals listed on the menu, but who wants to eat only “tartare
sauce” for a meal. I guess it refers to one the varieties of sauces such as white sauce, chilli sauce, soy sauce, and tomato sauce, set
on the red table. So “His wife juice” is a typical funny Chinglish like
“one-room mansion” (studio) or “paper driver” in Japrish.
OMG, you people from China, please….
Frankly speaking, many of the Chinese translation are so ridiculous if you know about Chinese, especially for the name of movies.
Is apparently splattered all over this sign
This is NOT how you spell Jewish
It’s a rotating restaurant on the 20th floor!