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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Sounds like the worst pickup line of all time: “Hey baby, my stick will lubricate your drawers.”
Surely this was the first item of business at the Extraordinary WTF Council.
If I stay in the nature and go out, I’ll get arrested.
Nooo! I don’t want to be absorbed into this stick and turned to lube!!!
from the
I find I always get absorbed in sweet memories when I relax with my lubrication stick!
home leaving series, maybe.
you are a big boy now.
stay in the nature
I am only concerned with “opening” the door smoothly. Closing the door is her businesses.
Living in the nature, ah lublicant stick its lubrifiant.
Isn’t everyone always absorbed in sweet memories when they lublicate their doors and their chests of drawer & drawer?
Evidently it is also 17. How about that?
Very useful to patch up Leplicants!
I don’t care how subtle or natural it is, some things should just STAY in the bedroom!
KY jelly now comes in the convenient stick form.
For adults only
Ball or stick type sir? No, just for under the …..
The new stick on the block. Shock and awe for Mr. Zog!
After years of calculation by our super computer, the answer to lubrication and everthing is “17”.
What ever you do don’t screw with nature!
Lublicant may not stick to lubrifiant surfaces.
Gee, Tin Man, I don’t have an oil can…. but I do have some lublicant.
“Relaxed and composed” now that we have found the lubricant. It’s just so much easier!
Fark man! I was freakin’ out because my drawers were not lubricated but now that they are I’m fully relaxed, chilled and composed!
Let me get those drawers off your chest and the bra off your a–… No, wait…
Not only can you apply it to wood, you can also apply it to “wood!”
I thought the purpose of lubricant was to prevent things from sticking
Oh wait, it’s lublicant, now it makes sense. Wait, it also says its a lublifant? Now I’m confused.
It really is lubli.
Don’t keep it next to your chapstick.
‘stay in the nature, be a naturist”
Can substitute with some KY Jerry.
“Use two (lublicant) sticks to make it in the nature”
Ahhh I “feel enjoy” two times with this picture! The product description in Korean translates as “slippery stimulant product.”
They always seem to hire poets to write those texts on the package.
specially made for tiger WOOD.
how lubly!
30 grams??? only 30 freakin’ grams? what about tomorrow morning?
the business for tiger woods teaches american that feminism only serves women’s interest with no regards for men, and westerner wifes only marries you for money, none other than that.
Naturally, I would use the relaxing natural materials to be at one with nature.
This has exactly the same description as the “Stainless magnet” (https://engrish.com/2008/11/lets-nature/). Must be a standard phrase from the Book of Engrish.
Be absorbed by nature! Stay in nature… with LUBE!
Special for lubricant your fanny thing.