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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Let's Speech Engrish!
Just don’t use the hair dryer on it.
Lather & rinse are AOK but when you repeat, the angels cry…
Photo courtesy of Gordon Everitt.
Found in China.
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Shampoo the thing if you must, just don’t ask me to help!
Dusit Inya’s conditional shampoo does serve a purpose afterall..
Warning: Do not use in public areas else police may arrest you. Our company is not responsible for such actions.
What thing!!
Shampoo the thing, or NO hullaballoo tonight !!!
Head and Shoulders… and Crotch.
And by “thing” you mean….?
Just don’t tease the thing or you’ll have to start all over.
If you experience an erection lasting longer than 4 hours, discontinue use and contact your hairdresser immediately.
Careful with those hot rollers!
And then condition the thing so it’s smooth, soft and manageable!
I never imagined the Chinese would get this squeamish about swine flu..
For when rubbing the lotion on its skin just isn’t creepy enough.
Then you use this special comb, and finish by shaving the entire area. Otherwise they come back.
“I’m gonna wash that thing right outa my hair! I’m gonna wash that thing right outa my hair!…”
Give your Thing shine and bounce!
Gimme dat thing, gimme dat thing, gimme that thing shampooed.
…Wash the Itt
It stinks!
Guarranteed to kill crabs.
You must be satisfied!
On the plus side, the hair on my palms are clean…
A clean Thing is a happy Thing.
I guess it’s safer than shampooing the Human Torch. Personally I’d rather shampoo the Invisible Woman.
Things go better with Coke – and a shampoo.
And give the Karmann Ghia a perm while you’re at it.
I tried, but it sprouted spider legs and ran away.
Boy, the translator must have thrown in the towel.
Hardly worth the time since Thing, being a hand and all, hasn’t got much hair.
I always think of your thing, so shampoo it for me.
Proves that I always think fo your thing.
^ Dang it! Beat me to it
If it’s not one thing, it’s another !
Not adequate protection against the Stupid Disease
what thing…?
Yes. The thing. Now shampoo it!
What tha…
Ewwww, that’s not shampoo!
Scenes from “There’s Something About Mary” race to mind…
Wouldn’t it be a much better idea to shampoo Cousin Nit…Thing is just a hand with no hair that lives in a box. What would be the point?
Now why would The Thing from the Fantastic Four need shampoo? He has no hair! On the other hand, it might make The Swamp Thing smell less swampy…
Given the usual instructions on shampoo, I just hope no programmer tries to use this… 😮
10 DO /* Starts a looped section of code with no END condition */
20 . . Lather
30 . . Rinse
40 LOOP /* Repeat the above instructions. */
…In plain Engrish, the programmer would stay in the shower until they died of exhaustion, starvation or drowning! :p
How about this instead: Warning: Do not use in pubic areas else police may arrest you. Our company is not responsible for such actions.
“Warning: Do not use in public areas else police may arrest you. Our company is not responsible for such actions.”
“Shampoo my crotch”.
I’m not rinsing that.
Shampoo the thing so it will smeeeeelllll tttteeeerrriiiiffffiiiiiic!
Even head-spider alien nightmares have problems with dandruff.
Also remember not to feed after midnight.
hey… its MY thing and i shampoo it as fast as i want to, okay?
Yup, your thing will become smooth, soft and manageble after that!
Just be sure not to use electricity to blow air to dry the thing!